Sunday, 31 January 2021

1,001 times I've been wrong

(and counting)

I'm wearing joggers now. And I swore to myself that I never would. I was sure that I would skip the athleisure trend, convinced that I'd found my style and would stick to it forever: casual boho-inspired cowgirl, lots of denim, boots,  and pretty dresses (if you can't picture it, click here for some visuals). 

Thursday, 21 January 2021

8 weeks in puppy heaven

This post is aaaaall about puppies! If you're into that, continue reading, if not - what's wrong with you?
We are nearing the end of our time with the puppies, and to preserve it I'm going to share a ton of photos and videos here. 

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Our 16th wedding anniversary: Ron and Hermione edition

Last Sunday was our 16th wedding anniversary. In the week leading up to it we were in a state of married bliss. Everything was pink cotton-candy skies, puppies and rainbows, so when I started thinking about what I wanted to write about our marriage and the love we share, it was tooth-achingly sweet and annoying. I was sure to mention how I had driven 600 km to pick up a tiny bird for him the week before, and was fully prepared to drag out a few classics like the time he'd followed me to Wales to win me back. *yawn*

Sunday, 3 January 2021

How mindfulness set me free

When I moved to Canada in January 2003, I came with only one suitcase. I left almost all my worldly possessions back in Germany to start over in a new country with a new man. It was the classic fresh start, one I had been dreaming about for years. The previous 18 months had been the worst ones of my life, and I couldn't wait to start life over. New place, new life, right? 

Friday, 1 January 2021

Best and worst of 2020

Happy New Year! It's the first day of a brand-new year, but before I look ahead, I like to look back at the previous 12 months. For all our sanity's sake, I'm not going to use the C-word in this post. It's hard enough living with it, no need to make it worse by excessively talking about it. Here are some of the good and not-so-good things that happened:
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