Result of my experimenting with the manual camera settings
My office
Good morning friends! I'm sitting here with my cup of Vanilla Macadamia Kona coffee, in a bikini, gazing out at the palm trees and listening to the Mynas chattering away. It has to be said: life ain't too shabby. As mentioned in my last post we are currently on the Big Island of Hawaii with Richard's mom. Sitting here and reflecting on life, I am glad for all the experiences I've had so far that have prepared me for this vacation: My happy pills keep me calm; my job in the hospital has provided me with plenty of exposure and understanding of the elderly; and my revived passion for yoga is reminding me to take deep, cleansing breaths. A lot.
Seriously though, it's a lot better than I thought it would be. I'm practicing my patience skills, and have set myself a series of tasks for this trip:
Use the manual setting on my camera as much as possible. As expected, it is quite tricky, and I get a lot of pictures that are useless; but there are also happy accidents like the first one I posted here - completely overexposed, but I like how it turned out nonetheless.
Do yoga. My passion for yoga reignited when I found Kino MacGregor on YouTube a couple of weeks ago. She is so cute, positive, and most of all, incredibly fit! I adore her, and I'm determined to master the handstand this year. Incidentally, yesterday at the beach I people-watched (is there anything better to do at the beach? I didn't think so), and this beautiful girl in the most fabulous tassled, yellow bikini strolled past, and then popped into a perfect handstand right there at the beach.
Gosh, I was envious. Also, I have a bit of a crush on her.
Get into the island spirit. I'm practicing the laid-back attitude islanders are famous for, and it's going well!
With all these little projects and the gorgeous surroundings, living as a threesome is (almost) a breeze!
Use the manual setting on my camera as much as possible. As expected, it is quite tricky, and I get a lot of pictures that are useless; but there are also happy accidents like the first one I posted here - completely overexposed, but I like how it turned out nonetheless.
Do yoga. My passion for yoga reignited when I found Kino MacGregor on YouTube a couple of weeks ago. She is so cute, positive, and most of all, incredibly fit! I adore her, and I'm determined to master the handstand this year. Incidentally, yesterday at the beach I people-watched (is there anything better to do at the beach? I didn't think so), and this beautiful girl in the most fabulous tassled, yellow bikini strolled past, and then popped into a perfect handstand right there at the beach.
Gosh, I was envious. Also, I have a bit of a crush on her.
Get into the island spirit. I'm practicing the laid-back attitude islanders are famous for, and it's going well!
With all these little projects and the gorgeous surroundings, living as a threesome is (almost) a breeze!
Hang loose!
Testing the water
Crashing waves
Mother and son
Shaka, brah!