Monday, 31 December 2018

A video of 2018

Hi guys!
I'm just popping in for a sec to share my A-second-everyday video with you. Yes, I did it: I filmed one second every single day of 2018, and then I spent what felt three times as long today trying to find a good song for it. Turns out, there aren't many songs that are over 6 minutes long, and I couldn't figure out how to add more than one, and in the end I gave up. For now there is some very calm background music, and I might change it another day, but not today. 

Sunday, 30 December 2018

My goals for 2019

It's my favourite time of the year: goal-setting time!
This year maybe more than ever, I've been doing a lot of reflecting, thinking, and reminiscing. When I'm in my little house in Princeton for work I have nothing but time, and it lends itself for some serious soul searching. 
I've been doing this work since I got here in August, and little by little, the pieces of myself that got spilled like a box of puzzle pieces sometime this year are falling back into place. Or more accurately, I'm putting them back together.
All of us fall apart sometimes. Nobody has their shit together all the time, and we won't always be on top of our game. Life isn't a straight line, and we'll all find ourselves on the shadowy side of life once in a while, wondering where the sun has gone.
The important part to remember is that the sun will always return. Just like spring follows winter, easier times will follow our hard ones.

Friday, 28 December 2018

My word for 2019

I fell asleep last night with a smile on my face because of that special glow I saw outside the window - the one you get when everything is covered in snow, which makes the night brighter due to the light reflecting off all the beautiful, sparkling white. It finally snowed on Boxing Day, and the world looks enchanted!
But then I woke up with a grimace this morning because of cramping and a very unhappy and bloated tummy, due to the monthly "gift" we women are blessed cursed with. And if that isn't a perfect analogy for life, then I don't know what is. You win some, you lose some!

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Achievements of 2018

I had completely forgotten about it, but last year I wrote a post titled Achievements of 2017, and it was so amazing to see it again a year later! I would have forgotten many of the items I listed on it had I not written them down, which is my whole purpose of blogging and writing: preserving memories. Since I enjoyed stumbling over that post so much, I thought I should write one for this year too! We should never forget to celebrate our achievements, however small they may be. 

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The meaning of life

If you know me then you know that I love thinking about life, why we are here, how to find joy every day, and how to live mindfully and with purpose. I don't make a conscious choice to think about that stuff - it's what naturally pops into my head whenever my thoughts wander. 
Someone else who's also into it are the guys at Holstee. You may be familiar with their manifesto - but if not, here is the video version of it:


Saturday, 15 December 2018

A look back at 2018: who would have thought?

It's Saturday morning, I'm sitting here in my little beige room, hot vanilla coffee by my side, and that statement is baffling to me. Who would have thought I would ever live in a beige room? I hate neutral, sensible colours. No matter what you want to call them - eggshell, greige, vanilla, light brown - I would never use those colours in my own place. I like bright, vivid, in-your-face colours!
And yet here I am, living in a beige world for two weeks every month since September. Who would have thought?

Sunday, 9 December 2018

39 Life Lessons that will make you feel better about yourself

I celebrated my 39th birthday a few days ago (thanks for all the birthday wishes, you guys are awesome!), and as per usual, it made me stop and reflect on my life so far. With the end of the year approaching the air is ripe with reflecting vibes, and I loved sitting down and thinking of everything I have learnt about life thus far. 
Here it is:

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Ready for some fashion magic?

It's my birthday today, and contrary to most women I don't mind telling you my age: I'm 39. Yup, 39 years old and proud of it! I like to joke that the secret to feeling young is having a husband who's 25 years older - no matter how large my under-eye bags are, he will always look older than me 😏 

Monday, 3 December 2018

Best (and worst) of November

Happy December! Before we start looking back to last month, I want to take a moment and acknowledge that the holiday season isn't fun for everybody. I know from own experience how hard December can be for people with depression, or if you've lost someone, or if there's a riff in your family, or for whatever other reason. 
Christmas is a tough one to avoid because it's so in your face, but if you struggle, here are a few suggestions for you:

Saturday, 1 December 2018

A week in paradise

We ran to the beach, still in our jeans and heavy boots. The moon was almost full, the night was velvety warm, and the moment when I kicked off my shoes and dug my toes into the soft, white sand for the first time was utter bliss.
We were the only ones on the beach, and we stretched out on two loungers under a sea of stars. The night was bright with the almost-full moon and millions of twinkling stars, and we listened to the endless, gently rolling ocean in front of us.
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