The other day, I went window shopping. Which, strictly speaking, wasn't window shopping at all, since I entered the stores - but I had no intention of buying anything. It was a beautiful, sunny day, yet bafflingly, the stores were crazy busy. (I usually never go shopping when the weather is nice, I much rather hang out at the farm - but the weather was playing tricks on us that day. It was supposed to be raining. Do people always go shopping even if it's nice out? Or did they get caught in the same trap as me?)
What struck me, was the amount of husbands/boyfriends accompanying their wives/girlfriends on shopping trips. And I'm not talking the man-friendly electronics or hardware store: we are talking real girly stores! I went to a book store, an antiques store, a home decorating store, and - the pièce de résistance - a fabric store. There were guys in all of them! And not single guys, maybe looking to pick up a date, but guys in relationships, trudging behind their women, with slightly pained expressions on their faces.
I was in awe.
It would never, in a million years, occur to me to ask my husband to come to a fabric store to me. To be honest, it was quite unfamiliar territory to myself, and I didn't last very long.
I'm not a sewer, and all those rows and rows of fabric, lining, and whatever else they had, was quite overwhelming.
But I, at least, don't have a Y chromosome that is impeding my understanding of these feminine domains. (Even though it felt that way. Those ladies were speaking a foreign language of ruching, pleating and hemming that I had absolutely no concept of.)
It got me thinking. Either these ladies have a powerful tool of persuasion to get their husbands to tag along (what is it?? Help a sister out!), or they have a tradition of going shopping together on the weekend. Whatever it is, I thought it was sweet. And obviously, my next thought was: "What do Rich and I do for each other that we may not fully understand, but tolerate out of love?"
Here is my (hopelessly incomplete) list:
He tolerates my crazy (it's really more of an obsession) love for our little Corgi-girl Lily. She was supposed to be "our" dog, but she's a 100% mine. And I'm loving every second of it. Rich probably pictured our having an inside dog differently, but he acts like he's totally fine with it. And I love him for that.
I support his (obsessive) love for birds. We have hundreds of them, and despite claiming all.the.time that he will "cut down by half", it hasn't happened yet after all these years. It never will. But I'm a-okay with that. It makes him happy, and they sure look pretty, don't they?
Once in a while I will get the urge to re-decorate, or randomly string fairy lights all across the living room. He didn't say a word. It was only after I took them down again, stating that "they looked ridiculous", that he expressed his gratitude for doing so. He had not liked them at all, yet was supportive.
I will always feed the animals for him if he's busy, away or simply too lazy. You're welcome hubs!
He supports my habit of taking pictures of
everything. He will even take pictures of me if I really beg, or reluctantly agree to the occasional
Again, he with all the animals.
I, being fine with it. (And supportive!)
This picture has nothing to do with any of this. I just thought it worth posting.
October, you sure are pretty!
What will you do for love?
xo Miriam
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