Saturday, 13 May 2017

One pet is good - but a hundred pets are better!

Rich and I have been feeling very grateful lately. We seriously pinch each other daily, just to make sure we're not dreaming this life. It may not look like much for some people, but to us, it's everything we've ever wanted: Living where the sun shines most of the year (in Canada! That's rare!), with our dogs, mini-cows, horses, goats, sheep, birds .... it's amazing. We are each other's family, but so are the animals. There's nothing better for us than sitting outside, surrounded by the dogs, watching the peacocks, chickens, ducks, geese, and all the other animals mill happily about. We are so damn grateful to live this life.


My darling Bear. He is such a special dog to me. I bought him with the first paycheck of my 'real' job (= x-ray technologist) 7 years ago. He is entirely devoted to the people he loves, but warms up to new people slowly. Three years ago he was in pretty bad shape, with severe arthritis making it hard for him to get up and walk around. Several times we considered putting him down, but we always hoped he would get better. And he did! Moving to this beautifully dry climate changed his entire life. 
We have never seen a comeback like his: He acts like he's a young dog! He runs up our long driveway to greet us (something he hadn't done for years), he gets up with the other dogs to bark at passersby, and he simply has the time of his life. I'm so happy that he's still with us!

We seriously considered selling all our water birds last year when we knew we would move to the semi-desert. In the end, Rich couldn't bring himself to do it. And now we're so glad he didn't! We brought many of our ducks and geese with us, and this pair of black swans. We put up several kiddie pools for them, and they are happy as can be. So are we, for having them here with us!

A little-used section of our back yard. 

Cow-, llama- and horse-heaven. 

Our friend Ted, Rich and Nina.

Donald Duck's aunt. 

Throughout our lives, we have happened upon dogs more often than you might think. People know that we love dogs, and once in a while we get offered one - either because the owners are moving, or downsizing, or because they simply don't want them any more. 
This is how we found Holly. 
She and her brother had lived in our extended neighbourhood for years, and we would often make a comment when we saw them in their yard. We love the big, white herding dogs, and there aren't too many around, so you tend to notice the few that are. 

Last year, her owners approached us and asked if we knew of anyone who would be interested in buying Holly and her brother. They were selling their place, and intended to travel around in an RV through North America for a year - they had no place for the dogs. 
Rich felt sorry for them, and promised that he would find a place for them both. 

He had a friend who was looking for a herding dog, and when he called her, she said she would take him. We couldn't find a home for Holly, so we decided to take her in. Since then, that dog has been thanking us every single day. She is the sweetest girl, and loves people hard. 

Ghost and Neil, our geriatric llamas.

Lily and Nina.

Ladies who lunch.

Have a gorgeous weekend!

xoxo Miriam



  1. I loved this post. To read about Bear making such a turnaround...your taking Holly (does she ever visit her brother?) and especially to picture you enjoying watching all the animals, furry and fowl...makes me happy.

    1. Animals are wonderful companions and make life so much happier! We may think that we rescue them, but in reality, they always rescue us ❤
      Holly's brother lives 2 hours away, so they haven't seen each other since they got new homes. But they both live with other dogs now, and love their new packs!

  2. I'm so glad Bear is happy. :) Love him.

    Your zoo is awesome! You are good for those animals and they are so good for you.

    1. Omg, are they ever. We are so grateful to give them this new, beautiful space to call home. They deserve it. So do we. Desert living is where it's at!

  3. I love all of your animals and that you finally have the perfect place for yourselves and them!

    1. So do we! Seeing the animals so happy is the best reward. Thanks, Emily!

  4. We have a mini menagerie here with two dogs, two tortoises, a bunny, and a couple of birds. But I would LOVE to have a small farm and be surrounded by all kinds of critters.

    1. You have tortoises? That's awesome! Ever since an Aussi friend told us that they used to drill a hole in their shells and walk their tortoises as kids, I've become obsessed!

  5. Majority of the pet owner admit that the experience they share with the pet is unremarkable. Here pet


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