Sunday, 6 March 2022

Life Update

Hi dear friends! I haven't been on here for a while and I wanted to let you all know why that is. 
The short version is: I'm working on book #3 like crazy! I've written 25,000 words in three weeks, which is unheard of for me. I wake up at 5 every morning because I can't wait to keep writing. The words are just pouring out of me, it's such a wild ride! There's some big magic at play here, and I'm loving it.

You may know that I've been trying to write a novel for the past 2+ years - but this isn't the book baby that I'm growing now. Plot twist!

I'm on a manifestation journey this year, and as I shared in this post I did a manifesting challenge at the beginning of the year (which was amazing). Since the challenge ended I've kept on listening to podcasts about manifesting (Manifestation Babe is my favourite), I've kept up journaling and meditating, and I'm generally just very open to my intuition and the universe. 
And what's been growing out of all this, combined with being on the mental health panel at the annual National Conference for MRTs (=Medical Radiation Technologists) in April, is that I want to share more of my story. I have not gone into detail about my mental health struggles in any of my previous two books, and it's time. 

And as soon as I started writing I knew that this is right. Like I said, the words are flowing like they never have before, and it's a blast to work on this new project. Because even though it will have some heavier topics, it's also going to be the most fun book I've every written! It describes the last five years and it has something for everyone: near-death experiences (yes, plural: a matching his and hers set), mystery illnesses, puppies, snowstorms, fires, floods, a little something called a pandemic, therapy, my baby steps into feminism - and me quitting alcohol, and all the reasons why. 

To borrow Jenny Lawson's tagline to her book Furiously Happy, this will be "a funny book about horrible things". Not all horrible, but some of it - and all funny.  
I set myself a deadline to have the first draft finished by June 1, and I know that I will get it done. I can't explain where this certainty is coming from, it's just there. 

Aside from writing like a woman possessed I'm doing yoga three times a week. I've being using the Asana Rebel app, because my biggest obstacle to getting on my mat has been that all the workouts I've saved on YouTube are half an hour or longer. Some days I just can't motivate myself to do it for that long, and that's where Asana Rebel comes in. They have workouts starting at 5 minutes! I don't care what anybody says, to me 5 minutes are better than 0 minutes, and if that's all I'm capable of some days then I still call it a win. Many times I'll extend and add another 10 or 15 minutes, but even if I don't it's better than nothing. 
After two years of being very sporadic with my practice, it feels so good to have a routine again! I'm getting stronger and more flexible, and it's very good for my mind. 

Rich and I re-watched all of Yellowstone and then Ozark, I finished the last season of Wentworth, and now I've finally discovered The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel, who is, indeed, marvellous. 

I got a few moles removed (all benign, phew), booked myself a mammogram (here's your reminder to book yours!), and I'm sticking faithfully to a twice-a-month massage schedule. My back doesn't know what hit it, but it has never been happier. 

The snow has almost melted at our place, and it's slowly starting to feel like spring. Despite the heaviness in the world, life around here is good. 

My plans for the next few months are more of the same: work, writing, walking, yoga. This is my season for creating and I'm loving every second of it!


1 comment

  1. As always, thanks for sharing your journey, Miriam. You are an inspiration and your writing often helps me realize when I'm off my healthiest path. I was for a few years completely alcohol free but have slowly become a light social drinker again. I know very well it is because I enjoy the positive inclusion in social groups when I have a glass of wine or a martini. I also know the link between even light drinking and cancer and decreased brain function. Thanks for reminding me of all that. xox


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