Thursday, 20 April 2017

10 little tweaks to my routine that make me feel like a BOSS

Guys, today is a great day. I have discovered the secret to feeling like a real grown-up! And because I like you, I'll let you in on it. You're welcome!

1. Have a shower
You may already nail this one every day, but I don't. The reason behind my non-daily shower habit is a mix of being European (many of us don't shower daily), living in the semi-desert (I feel the urge to conserve water), laziness, and living on a farm. I checked with the animals, and they assured me I smell fine. Ditto Richard. But rest assured, I always clean myself before I go to work! 

2. "Do" my hair
I put this in quotation marks because I still only did the absolute minimum one can do to one's hair. After shampooing and conditioning, I blow-dried and then straightened it!  I blew my own fricking mind. It felt amazing. 

3. Put on some mascara

4. Tell the people of the Internet about it
Make sure you immediately take selfies and/or post about it on social media. I have a newfound (and surprising) obsession with Instagram stories, so I obviously informed my impatiently waiting followers about the astonishing changes to my so-called beauty routine.   

5. Find yourself a new doctor
There was clearly an important reason behind all this unexpected grooming, which was a visit to our new family doctor. It's extremely difficult to find doctors around here, but today we were accepted by a doctor who recently moved to town. He is young, nice, and easy on the eyes, and you better believe that I did the full rigmarole, including getting rid of copious amounts of body hair, putting on a new bra, and plucking, primping and moisturizing myself within an inch of my life. It must have paid off, because we got him! Or he got us, I'm not sure who's the winner here. Us, most likely.

P.S. Pro-tip: If you suspect to be weighed (which we were), put on the least amount of clothing you can get away with, and no jewellery. I literally only wore a bra, panties, and this lightweight dress, to add as little extra weight as possible.

6. Put on a pretty outfit
There are weeks where all I wear is yoga pants, old jeans, and scrubs. It may be comfortable, but it's no fun, and it definitely doesn't make me feel pretty or sexy. But once you're in the comfy-clothes rut, it's really hard to climb out of it again! 
Well, once again thanks to the doctor's visit, I have rediscovered my closet, and I have promised myself that I will put a bit more effort into getting dressed again.

7. Bake a cake
Nothing makes me feel like a domestic goddess like baking. I'm convinced that it's impossible to feel like a failure if you have baked a loaf of bread or a delicious cake that day. I made this coconut banana bread with lime glaze, and it's to die for. Seriously, seriously good. 

8. Feed the cake to people and bask in the glow of their praise  
Well, the fencing guys liked it, and they didn't hold back with their compliments. I love them.

9. Go to the dump
Okay, this may sound weird, but hear me out. I don't know about you, but knowing that my garbage or recycling bins are full, is giving me slight anxiety. I can't ignore it; in my subconscious, I know that there are overflowing bins in my life. It bugs me. Every time I throw something away and see the garbage bin in the kitchen get fuller, my anxiety level rises, knowing that once I have to take the full bag out, there won't be any room for it in the big bin. It sounds ridiculous, but that's how my brain works. I didn't ask for it, believe me.
But, on the bright side, going to the dump and getting rid of the garbage is a deeply satisfying experience. It's Feng Shui on steroids! Few things make me feel more accomplished than literally ridding my life of garbage.

*P.S. In case you're wondering why we aren't just putting the garbage out for pick-up: That service doesn't exist where we live. We're truly in the country!

10. Blog about it
Because blogging makes everything better.  

Shirtdress: Work'n Play (a local store)
Booties: Mark's (not available any more; similar)
Belt: Taken from my husband (similar)

P.S If you haven't yet signed up for my newsletter, what are you waiting for? Just to make it clear, it's not a regular newsletter. It's a COOL newsletter!
(Bonus points if you get the reference!)



  1. You're a great writer! Loved the outfit and the mascara comment. haha
    LauriePOP Ideas That POP on YouTube

    1. Thank you, Laurie! I just took a look at your YouTube channel, it's great! So fun and lighthearted, I love it! I'm a new subscriber :-)

  2. Love the dress! You look great! But you always do - straight hair and mascara or not. :) Glad you're feeling like a BOSS. Keep on.

    1. Some days are just perfect from beginning to end, and that was one of them. They are rare, that's why it's essential to blog about them! ;-)

  3. Enjoyed this post! I agree about going to the dump. We used to live in a rural place, an island actually, where once a month or so I'd drive to the dump and it was a great feeling to purge, to start anew. There was also a funky exchange next to the dump where you could donate toys, appliances, junk. Now we live in a city where they pick up rubbish, so I don't get that feeling of satisfaction.

    1. For me it's the opposite, I had garbage pick-up all my life until we moved 5 months ago. At first I thought it would be a nuisance having to do it yourself, but as you know, the kickass feeling of accomplishment far outweighs the extra work ;-)
      Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

  4. You look so pretty, Miriam! I love the booties and belt with this dress. Great spring look and tips for how to feel like a boss. Thanks for linking up and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! I'm trying to get back into regular outfit posts, I skipped a few weeks. It's like falling out of a workout routine, coming back is so hard! But I miss them, and I notice a huge difference in the outfits I wear in normal life. If I don't do outfit posts, I tend to forget about 95% of clothes in my closet, and wear the same stuff over and over. My clothes deserve more attention lol 😂

  5. I am 100% in love with your dress! It really is amazing how much better a little mascara can make you feel!! ;)

    1. It sure is! Especially if you usually only wear it on "special occasions" lol :-)

  6. I know I'm late but you are totally rocking that dress! Yowza!


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