Sunday, 7 April 2019

A video of the first 3 months of 2019

I'm always happy when the first quarter of a new year is behind us. While I like winter in December, by January I'm usually sick of it, and getting through the next few months is always challenging. What I do to make it more fun is writing down the little and big highlights, taking my 1-second videos, and celebrating every day in some small way. For example, today's celebration included writing in my journal, taking Lily for an early morning walk while the sun was still out (we have rain in the forecast and it is now grey and overcast), eating a warm chocolate croissant for breakfast and making myself a third cup of coffee. Oh yes, baby!

I can't stress enough how important I find it to write things down. Especially when you have a day where you think everything sucks, reading through all the good stuff that's been happening is so uplifting! I did that yesterday when I felt a bit down, and it did wonders for my mood. So I thought I would share some highlights from the first three months of 2019. 
First up: the video!

As you can see, 2019 has been filled with snow, yoga, many dog walks and cat cuddles, my beloved deer in Princeton and pretty skies. We booked a Baltic cruise in January that we will be going on next month with a few friends (yay!), and we will also be visiting our families in Germany.

I got my eyes and moles checked and received a clean bill of health on both. 

In February we became grandparents! Our grandson Axel was born on February 19, healthy and strong. We did have a scare only 9 days later when he needed to be hospitalized for over a week for having the flu. But he recovered 100% and is growing and gaining weight! We love him so much. 
I also participated in a writing contest from The Fountain and sent in an article to The New York Times for their popular Modern Love column. I haven't heard back from either one yet, but it's fun to work on your dreams!

In March I finished a big project at work, started walking 10,000 steps almost daily, and the snow disappeared! We also replaced our old, dirty carpet with beautiful vinyl, and we are both so happy with it! It's a small miracle that Rich agreed to get rid of the carpet, he doesn't like change and he's always been a big fan of carpet. But he loves the new floor as much as I do! Turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks ;-) 
On the downside, Rich had a relapse of his Lyme Disease and my shortness of breath and wheezing is still a mystery. I'm undergoing a series of tests right now to try to finally figure out what causes it - asthma doesn't really fit, but we have no idea what else it could be. Well, Rich has a theory, he thinks it may be sarcoidosis, but I am skeptical (also, I don't want it) - do any of you have experience with sarcoidosis? I only know what Google tells me, and I don't have the majority of the symptoms aside from my wheezing, shortness of breath, cough and one small kidney stone (that was an incidental finding from my chest CT-scan). 

If any of you have sarcoidosis or know someone who does, I would be grateful for some more information!

Lyme and mystery symptoms aside, life is good. Really good. I'm grateful every day to live this life, and even during my weeks away when I miss Rich, I'm happy that I have someone to miss. It's the best feeling to know that you're loved, and to love them back!

I wish you all a wonderful Sunday!
xoxo, Miriam 



  1. Congratulations on becoming grandparents! Axel is absolutely adorable.


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