Monday, 28 August 2017

Boss Women: Janice

I'm delighted to start a new series today: Boss Women
Over the last several months, I have started to pay more attention to strong women: Be it celebs, women on social media or in real life, I feel drawn to women who kick ass. Having finally outgrown the last vestiges of envy when it comes to other women's success, I'm now eager to learn more about their dreams, goals and secrets. 

I'm kicking this series off with a real powerhouse: Janice.

Janice is a wife, mom, x-ray- and mammography tech, and she also runs her own business, Lucky Bum Clothing, creating fun tees for the whole family.
We met at work several years ago, and liked each other immediately. She is genuine, warm, and funny, and about the nicest person you will ever meet. Back then, neither of us had big ambitions beyond our day-jobs - that has certainly changed!

Janice started her t-shirt biz in November of 2016. I've followed her on Instagram from the beginning, and her growth in this short amount of time is incredible!
It was her iconic "Wife. Mom. Boss." tee that gave me the idea to start this series, because it sums up in just 3 words the awesomeness of so many successful women out there. It's perfection! 

She was kind enough to answer some of my most burning questions - here we go!

Q: What gave you the idea for your business?
A: Shortly after finding out I was pregnant, I started shopping at local markets and at local small shops. After having my son Jackson, I found I was wanting some more fun and affordable tees for moms and kids, so I decided to start designing and making my own tees. Just like that, Lucky Bum Clothing was born!

Q: How did you come up with the name? It's awesome!
A: My hubby Chris came up with the name. We wanted something simple, fun and catchy! 

Q: Did you always want to run your own business?
A: I honestly never thought of owning my own business. I have no experience in business whatsoever, so it has been a challenge for sure! I'm self-taught, and learn new things every day!

Q: What does a typical day look like?
A: Since I work part-time as an x-ray- and mammography-tech, most of my work for Lucky Bum is done in the evenings and on my days off, during my son's naps. I spend countless hours working on designs, and making each and every shirt. I do everything from start to finish!

Q: What is the best part about being a small business owner?
A: The best part is meeting other small shop boss mamas and my amazing customers. And seeing other people wear my designs!

Q: What is the worst part?
A: The worst part is staying up until 4 am, getting orders done, and still waking up bright and early.

Q: How do you come up with your designs?
A: The design process is by far the toughest but most fun! I will spend hours, days, weeks working on a design, going back and modifying it, before making it final. My hubby has a big part in this process and it comes quite natural for him! We make tees that we would wear, or something that our son can wear.

Q: Did you take any business classes?
A: None, and I have no background in business. I'm planning on taking some classes in the future!

Q: Do you have help, or do you do it alone?
A: I do 99% of everything on my own. I make each and every single shirt.

Q: How do you make it all work?
A: To be honest, it has been a tough adjustment, balancing being a working mom, wife, and running a business. I always put my family first, and always will. They are my world. I have learnt better time management, and recognize when to slow down, take a step back and focus on quality time with my family. 

Q: Do you have any tips for others who want to start a biz? 
A: My advice is to just go for it. Make a plan, do some research, and give it your all. And don't be afraid to ask for help! You will go through moments of struggle, and there will be times where you don't think you can make it. Always keep your head up and move forward!

Thank you so much, Janice! To see more of her awesome stuff, go to her Instagram and Facebook pages. Her website is taking a little break and will re-open on Sept 1!

xoxo Miriam



  1. Those kids are adorable! Love the shirts.

    1. They're super-soft and comfortable! I love her stuff ❤

  2. Thank you so much for the feature Miriam!! I'm so inspired by you, your strength as a woman, your kindness and passion! You're truly amazing! Keep doing you girl! ❤️

    1. It was my pleasure Janice! You gave me the idea for this project, which is already near and dear to my heart. Thank YOU!!


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