Wednesday, 20 June 2018

My sister is here!

Sorry for the radio silence, it's been a weird two weeks. I will talk about that another time, because today is gonna be a happy post! My sister ~Emma in the book~ arrived last Sunday for a visit, and I couldn't be happier about it! There's nobody who can me make laugh as hard as she can, and we're having the best time.  
Here are a few photos!

Is there anything better than playing tourist in your own town? We've been in stores yesterday that I hadn't set foot in yet - despite living here for a-year-and-a-half already - and I found some great new treasures for my Little House!

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far (over 35 degrees Celsius!), and after all that shopping we took our ATV for a spin to cool off.  
 Excuse the piece of lettuce in my teeth 😝
FYI: All the amazing photos are taken by my sister, and the shitty, low-resolution ones are my cellphone pics 🙈

We live in the desert, yet she managed to make our place look like a green paradise. She's got mad skills, man!
Happy Wednesday!

xoxo Miriam



  1. How fun! What gorgeous scenery. I love playing tourist in places I've taken for granted, you know? It's amazing to find new places near you that you just hadn't stopped in before.

    1. So do I. And it's still kind of unbelievable to me that I never explore much in normal life, despite best intentions. We humans are such creatures of habit, aren't we 🤔

  2. Yay! Have fun with your sister. The photos are all great and they show what a good time you ladies are having.

    1. It's honestly one of the best days of our lives. I'm loving every minute of it!

  3. Fabulous photos! But, more importantly... family time!!! So happy y'all have got some time together. I'm counting the days till I see my brother - just 2 and a half weeks-ish! xoxo

    1. That's awesome, I'm so happy for you! This time with my sis is incredibly beautiful, I'm soaking it up as much as possible, bottling it all up for rainy days.
      Have the BEST time with your bro - I'm looking forward to the photos!

  4. Awe yay sister power!! This looks like such a great time.

    1. It's the BEST. I'm so happy she's here!


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