Friday, 27 July 2018

New adventure ahead!

"I would like to offer you the job. Will you accept it?"
"Of course I will! I take it!"

And just like that, I have a new job!

Remember when I was annoyingly vague last week, talking about taking uncertain steps into the future?
That's what this was all about. I applied for a job 2 weeks ago, had my interview last week, and received the job offer yesterday. 
So far, so easy, right? Well - it comes with a twist.

The good news is: it's a temporary part-time job, meaning I will get extra health insurance, paid vacation, guaranteed shifts, and all that good stuff again. The hours are super-sweet: I work 7:30am-3:30pm one week on, one week off, with the weekend just being on call.
During my off-week I can still work a few shifts at my beloved Merritt hospital, which is a must! I just love it there so much, I couldn't bear leaving them for good.

The not-so-good news? The job is 100km away from home, and with being on call the entire time, that means I will have to live there 2 weeks every month. Which means: being away from Rich and the pups half the time. [insert sad-face emoji]
As you can imagine, we've been thinking and talking about this decision at length. The reasons for taking the job are, of course, money-related: we started dipping into our savings this summer, something we promised ourselves we would avoid at all cost. And if the cost is living apart part-time, we both decided that we - and our relationship - are strong enough to handle it.

All around us, friends and neighbours go out of town for work. They do it because they have to, but they do so with grace and cheer, and I want to follow their example.
And I have to confess: the restless, adventurous part of me is a little excited! I haven't lived alone since I was a student, and even then I was always with room mates or in dorms.
The hopeless romantic in me pictures idyllic weekend-visits from Rich (he promised to visit me once a week, every week!), and evenings spent by myself typing away on my next book. Since I have to stay put (because I'm on call), I can't venture far outside of town, which means all the time in the world to focus on my writing.
I will eat single-girl meals again (huge salads with a side of tortilla chips are a favourite of mine, but strangely, not satisfying for Rich), get lots of sleep, and live in a town again for the first time in almost 20 years.

And the town! On my GG-scale (=Gilmore Girls-scale) it's a solid 9/10 for being Stars Hollow-esque! I've only driven through a few times, but I remember it being very quaint and cute, with little cafes, a few restaurants, some gift shops, and a very pretty town centre. I'm looking forward to exploring it more by foot, and taking a ton of photos to share with you!
Will it be hard sometimes? Most likely. Will I get lonely? Probably. But I also hope that I will meet new and interesting people, become part of a new team of awesome hospital peeps, and slowly fill up our empty bank account again. 

Ready or not, the adventure is starting in 2 weeks!
Hold on tight, I'm bringing you all along for the ride.

xoxo Miriam



  1. I wish you all the best for this new adventure. It's definitely a brave decision, but you're well practiced in those types of moves it seems! I hope the town is just as great as it sounds and I look forward to the Stars Howellesque photos. :)

    1. I will start sharing as soon as I arrive!
      I'm not gonna lie, I was really scared when the opportunity first presented itself. I had all the fears we all have: could I do it? Would it be too hard? What if it was a mistake? Would I be too lonely?
      But I refuse to be guided by my fears. I've been afraid all my Life, because I'm not a naturally brave person. But I WANT to be. And I know that every situation, no matter how scary or intimidating, will give us a gift. It may be lesson, a new friend, an opportunity, or a new outlook on life - but whatever it is, it is never wasted.

  2. Congrats on the new opportunity! That all sounds exciting. It's good to change things up every one in a while. Will you be getting an apartment there, too? That adds an extra something to look forward to if you are, decorating and such.

    1. It so does! I'm currently dreaming of these rustic river cabins up for rent - I've only driven past them once, but they looked nice, and ever since I googled them I can't stop picturing them as my home away from home.I have no idea where I'll leave yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do!

  3. Is your new job in Lytton? Tried different towns, this is the only one at bang- on 100 kms. It makes sense on many levels to just do it. I wish for you it is what you hope for! Hugs

    1. Nope, it's in Princeton! I'm looking forward to it. Thanks Marijke!

  4. Congratulations.. a new and exciting adventure begins again 😀

    1. It sure does! I'll do my best to keep thinking about it that way 😑

  5. This is not what I was guessing when you put out that teaser! This is so exciting! Dan used to work 7 on 7 off but 7pm to 7 am. I would only see him for an hour here or there. Although your hours are different, living apart like this doesn't sound stage at all to me. LOL When he reflects back, he misses that schedule.
    Best of luck on this new adventure Miriam! Is this another hospital job? I can't wait to see the town and those cabins sound cute!

    1. Yes, it's in an even smaller hospital than the one I'm currently working at 😂 Small town hospitals are my jam! I'm actually really looking forward to it, I think it will be good! I'm so happy to hear that your husband loved that rotation, it makes me look forward to it even more 😊

  6. Congrats!! That is exciting. It is going to be challenging at times, of course, but I think you have a great attitude going into it. I’m excited to read about the new town (heart eyes for Stars Hollow vibes) and your single girl apartment (or whatever dwelling you live in) and your single girl meals.

    Also, finished your book today and gave it 5 stars on Goodreads. It made me wish we lived close to each other because I know we’d be in-person friends. :)

    1. I feel the same way! Oh, I'm SO happy you liked the book. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for giving it 5 stars, I'm so grateful!

      And I'm looking forward to this new chapter in my life, and a more regular income.

  7. Miriam I am SO excited for you! This is huge! I think it's going to be a great step in your life and will likely come with so much more than 'just a new job'. You'll get to meet friends in a new town, new coworkers, new adventures along the way. And the single girl meals? BRING ON THE TORTILLA CHIPS AND SALAD! (haha). I think it's awesome that you're taking on this new challenge. Can't wait to see what happens along the way!


    1. Thanks Sam! You are actually one of my role models when it comes to taking on new challenges, I literally thought "what would Sam do?" when I made the decision - and I know you would go for it!

      It's all starting next week already, and I will have LOTS of time for blogging - get ready for all the updates!


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