Sunday, 1 July 2018

Best (and worst) of June

June was the craziest month of the year so far. It included the full range of emotions from being really down to being utterly, blissfully happy. As always, let's get this party started with a look at my 1-second-a-day video:

The good:
My sister was here!
If you follow me on social media, you will have seen plenty of pictures of the two of us over the past 2 weeks. I also shared blog posts about our adventures hereherehere and here. I know I'm repeating myself, but it simply was a magical time. So, so good! 👭

Foam Fest
It seems like forever ago (but happened only 2 weeks ago today), but in mid-June a bunch of my co-workers and I went to Sun Peaks to participate in The 5k Foam Fest. We arrived the day before, had dinner and a few drinks, and then the nurses showed me the meaning of 'nurses gone wild' ;-) We had an epic party! The race the next day was super-fun, and we're already planning our next adventure ...

My book is officially out in the world!
June 5 was the official release day, which means that my book is now truly out in the wild. My sister reading it has been the highlight of this experience for me thus far, but having the nice lady at the check-out of our local pharmacy look at the name on my husband's prescription, look back at me, and ask me excitedly "Am I finally meeting the author?!" is a close second. So amazing!

Other exciting stuff I'm doing is a reading and signing at Owl's Nest Books in Calgary this Saturday, July 7, from 11:00am-2:00pm. If you are in Calgary and want to say hi, please stop by!
I'm also working on setting something up with Black Bond Books, a company I worked for 10 years ago. I'll keep you updated!

The bad:
The deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain at the beginning of the month triggered a fresh bout of depression for me. As someone who has the same disease they had, you can't help but wonder if you might be headed the same way some day. Not that I'm suicidal (I never have been!), but it's a sobering and very scary reminder that the illness you have can be deadly. I wrote a piece about it for Thought Catalog - Let's All Take A Second To Ask Each Other, 'Are you Okay?' , and I also recommend this article

On a brighter note, I also made a 1-second-a-day video of the first 6 months of 2018! Here it is:
2018 is an eventful year to say the least, but it's really, really beautiful.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians, and happy Sunday to everybody else!

xoxo Miriam


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