Thursday, 14 July 2016

The men-pleasing skirt

Ladies, listen up. Whatever you may have heard about guys' preferences in women's clothing (i.e. short and tight), is WRONG. 
Apparently, what they are really into is ...

... drum roll ...

MIDI skirts. 


I'm as surprised as you are. 
Is anything we ever accused men to be - i.e., superficial, one-dimensional, and only interested in sex - blatantly untrue?

According to my highly unscientific and inaccurate study (conducted over three single outings), men like midi skirts. 
At least the ones I encounter do. 

Whenever I wear the skirt pictured here, I get complimented by men. 
My husband calls it "womanly" (that's a compliment, I checked).
My gay friend calls it "gorgeous" (a much more trustworthy judgement). 
The sort-of-friend at the bar said "My god, you are beautiful!", but since he was several beers in, his judgement doesn't count fully (still flattering for the old ego, though). 
The waitress at the restaurant kept staring at it/my shoes?, which I chose to take as a compliment (I'm a glass-half-full kinda gal). 
It might have also been disapproval at the amount of dog hair and wrinkles displayed on my skirt. Hard to tell with women.


Whatever it is about this skirt, people respond to it in a positive way. 
Which is fortunate, because I happen to love this skirt so much, I bought it twice
(And I never do that, usually.)

The first time was at least eleven years ago. I saw it at the Gap, in a teal-green and white instead of black and white, and bought it. While Rich instantly loved it (the "womanly" factor, remember?), I had a somewhat harder time. I simply couldn't figure out what to wear with it. Tuck shirts in, or wear them out? What colour? What shape? I never felt 100% comfortable. 
So in the end, after several years and one unflattering picture (I tried to find it guys, but couldn't), I donated it. 

Then, a couple of years ago, I was in a thrift store, and saw the same skirt hanging on a rack, wedged in between a shapeless, sack-like hemp-dress and a corduroy skirt.
I inspected it closer, for nostalgic reasons ("it sort of looks like the skirt I used to own ... hang on a minute ...), when I realized: IT'S THE SAME DAMN SKIRT! In my size, in a much more versatile colour (for me) than teal. 
Since it also happened to be my size, and only cost $8.00, I had to get it. 

And the rest, as they say is history. 

The men-pleasing skirt re-entered my life, and it's here to stay. 

It pleases me more than anyone, which is the main only reason why I continue to wear it - but the occasional compliment is a nice bonus.  

Top: old (similar)
Skirt: old (similar)
Hat: old (similar)
Jacket: old (similar)
Necklace: SheIn

Tell me: Do you have a piece of clothing you get compliments on?
Or, even more importantly, one that makes you feel like a million bucks?


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