Thursday, 1 March 2018

Best (and worst) of February

February was an odd month. For the shortest month of the year, it sure felt long. Like January, it was filled with snow and ice, which is not surprising for winter in Canada, but it sure gets old after a while.

Here are some of the highlights and lowlights:

The good:
Rich's health keeps improving
Hands down the BEST thing in our life is Rich's continued healing. He feels better all the time, and we are slowly getting our life back. A few days ago we went out for lunch, something we used to do all the time, but for about 4 months, he was completely incapable of doing it. Lyme Disease kept him locked in the house, and seeing the old Rich coming back to life is such a gift. 

Reader emails
Once in a while I get messages from readers, and it's always such a treat when I do. In February, two people reached out to me, and sent me the most wonderful emails. Hearing from other people that my stories resonate with them and make them feel understood will never get old. Thank you for connecting with me, it means the world!

Spring is in the air
If you're tired of me going on and on about winter, you may want to skip this paragraph. But after 120 uninterrupted days of snow, we're all in desperate need of spring. The good news is: every day, there are more signs of spring in the air! The starlings and black birds have returned from the south where they spent the winter, the dogs and horses have started to shed, and the chickens and turkeys are getting frisky. All sure signs that spring isn't far away! 

I'm getting my mojo back
After the most difficult winter of my life, I'm slowly getting my lightheartedness back. The immense pressure and worry I carried around for the last six months is lifting, and I'm feeling lighter and more playful again. I've started my regular yoga-practice again, found a new yoga partner (the cutest one yet!), and received a surprise offer that I'm currently contemplating. 
The future is looking bright!

The bad:
My health
While Rich is healing, I've had a few hiccups with my own health. After wheezing my lungs out for half the winter, I finally mentioned it to our doctor, and I received an unwelcome diagnosis: asthma, most likely triggered by hay. The good news is that my breathing is fine as long as I stay away from hay; the bad news is that staying away isn't really an option. 
I also tweaked my back in February and had to stay in bed for 2 days (which was actually bliss), and my wrists and arms are permanently sore from carrying the heavy water buckets.
Luckily, most of these problems will resolve themselves with warmer weather, and the more Rich can do himself the easier it will be for me.

It was yet another month where my emotions were all over the place, from jubilant to close to despair.
There were two deaths, not friends of ours but affecting close friends of ours, and it troubled me more than I liked.
I think it's the after-effects of Rich's illness catching up with me, making me one big, emotional mess. Now that I don't have to be strong anymore, I'm dissolving into a puddle. It's probably a natural coping mechanism, but it's sure exhausting.

The turkeys turned mean
With mating season fast approaching, 3 male turkeys have turned into real a-holes. They have progressed from merely following me around, to stalking, to attacking. They're flapping their giant wings and keep pecking at me and are generally so annoying that I threaten daily to eat them. They are unimpressed, but as soon as Rich's hands are stronger, he'll make true on my threat! I can't wait to eat them.

Other things that happened in February: 
February 4th marked my one-year anniversary at work! I still adore my hospital and the people in it, and count myself extremely lucky for having become a part of the team.

There were plenty of mornings I had coffee in bed with the dogs. It's hard to believe that there used to be a time where we didn't have any dogs in the house! I'll never go back to that dark time again.

I also took my daily videos, which I'm still enjoying greatly. Here it is: 

And that was February! How was yours?

xoxo Miriam



  1. Haha I love that you can't wait to eat your turkeys. Sweet revenge!

    1. Oh yes, revenge is sweet - or savory, with creamy gravy and tangy cranberry sauce. Yum! They have it coming, they're such obnoxious birds 🦃🦃🦃🔜🍗🍗🍗

  2. Yay for the good things! They are all so super good! And, you're a bad ass at dealing with the tough things that pop up in your life. Thanks for sharing your ups and downs and in-betweens. It's always so great to hear about your life and read about your journey. I am most definitely grateful. xoxo Happy Weekend!

    1. You're so sweet, thanks Liz! 😙💖
      Life isn't always easy, but it's certainly beautiful.
      Enjoy your weekend!

  3. February seemed to be an emotional time for a lot of people, me included. I am thankful for your little signs of spring! that is a ray of hope for all of us. I am glad to hear you and Rich are getting your health back. Hay allergy - yikes!

    1. It's kinda ironic, as if the universe is trying to tell me to step away from the farm work for a bit haha 😜
      We just had another dump of snow, I sure hope that's the last one!

  4. Turkeys are so mean! I am so happy to have come across your blog. You are so inspiring and funny and resilient! I look forward to reading more.

    1. Thank you Chandi, that's so nice of you to say! Welcome, I'm happy to have you here! ❤

  5. For a short month it was sure busy! I would be terrified of those turkeys, btw. I love the photo at the top of the post.

    1. That's the view of the top of our driveway- I love it, too.
      The turkeys are still alive,but their days are NUMBERED. They're evil.


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