Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Best (and worst) of July

July felt like a long month - maybe because quite a few (little) things happened? Instead of my usual monthly round-up, I decided to write this post diary-style, with lots of photos.

At the beginning of the month Rich and I went for a 36-hour road trip to Calgary to do a book signing! You can read all about how that went right here (spoiler: it was a bit of a let-down), but I'm still so happy we did it. I had an awesome meeting with a blog reader, there were mimosas, and Rich and I had a blast. We also hung out with a friend of his for a few hours, which was great! Here are a few photos from that trip:
The day after we came home, our first foal Kevin was born! Three days later his half-brother Patrick joined him, and watching them grow and get braver has been the most beautiful experience. They are now at that stage were they run around a lot, and they buck and jump and simply have the time of their lives. I love them!
We've been soaking up summer over here, harvesting our first vegetables from our garden (green cabbage), going on a date night with live music and pub food, and canoeing with the dogs.
There were also several overnight guests, pub nights with friends, and some more outdoor adventures.
The nurses at my hospital all found out about my book, and because they are the best co-workers in the world, they all demanded to buy copies. I brought a dozen books in, and they bought them all! I seriously love my hospital and the people in it, and I'm so grateful that I'm a part of this close-knit, awesome world. What's also still surreal (in a good way!) is when patients at work tell me that they read my book and liked it. Such a dream come true!
That's why the other big thing that happened in July is bitter-sweet: I got a new job! It's part-time, which means I will still be able to work at our local hospital, just not as much any more. You can read all about it here. I'm excited to work more (and to make more money), but I will miss all my babies - dogs, hubby, nurses, doctors and co-workers! Oh change, why are you so difficult ...

In not-so-good news, Rich has been very sick all week with a summer flu, which left him literally speechless (he lost his voice), with a sore throat, weak and sweaty. Add to that the 40 degree Celsius heat, and it's been a very rough week for him 😓

But all in all, July was a good one!
Here's the 1-second-a-day video for July:

How was your July?

xoxo Miriam



  1. I love that all of your coworkers bought your book! Maybe your new coworkers will do the same :)

    1. Haha, that's one way to sell books! 😂

  2. I hope Rich is feeling better Poor guy can't catch a break! But overall, July seems like it was a good month. Cheers to an amazing August!

    1. Same to you, Mary! Thankfully, Rich is finally better, the flu lasted its 7 days and is almost gone now. We're both so happy about that! He's had a rough go with his health over the last year.

  3. I'm glad you've had such a good summer so far! Nothing is better than veggies from the garden :) I wish I could grow them, but not having a place to is kind of a problem...(haha)
    I hope everyone feels healthy again soon! Wishing you a happy, adventure-ful, and healthy August!


    1. And the same to you! I'm curious to see where you will end up this summer, maybe you'll find a place with your own little garden? You never know!


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