Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Keep at it

I got it all wrong. 
I thought that achieving the goal was the key to the happily ever after. 
I thought that after hustling and working hard and hustling some more, getting some rest and relaxation would be the sweetest feeling in the world. 

It was - for a while. But after I was rested and relaxed, I didn't know what to do. 
I got restless. 
And antsy. 
And dissatisfied in a way that felt like the most selfish act I had done in years. How could I be dissatisfied when everything I ever wanted was happening?
Guilt and a vague worry about my mental well-being were added to the list this summer. 
And a lethargy and all-encompassing inability to get myself moving that made me feel sluggish, lazy and bad about myself.

Summer was wonderful in many ways, and I had lots of fun (sometimes slightly bordering on hysteria). But in between the fun, I felt lower than I have in years. Empty, low on energy, and clueless about what to do next. 

It took me all summer, but during a rainy walk the other day, I suddenly understood what my problem was. 
I was missing the hustle! While achieving the dream was an absolutely amazing, incredible feeling, that wasn't what it was all about. It was working towards the goal that I missed. Being tired at the end of the day because I worked my butt off. Getting this little proud feeling of accomplishment when I reached my word count for the day. Writing something that I didn't even know was inside of me. 
So there's only one thing to do: keep working. 
I write again every day. 
I walk every day. 
I stretch every day. 
I keep my house cleaner than I have all summer. 

And I'm feeling better than I have in months! 
It was the work that kept me happy, that made resting so much more rewarding, sleep more restfully, and kept my overactive imagination occupied. Once I stopped all that, my body and mind didn't know what to do with themselves. 

Reaching the goal isn't the goal - it's working towards it. 

I'm working on a couple projects now, and it's amazing. I'm feeling energized and full of life and so relieved to have this weird sluggish phase of my life in the past! 

Rest is important and down-time is my boyfriend - but the hustle is necessary for my mental health. And I have a feeling it's necessary for yours, too. 
If you're stuck in sluggish lazy-land right now, I feel ya. I've just recently vacated it, my seat it still warm. 
But seriously: it's worth it to drag yourself out of it. It's hella hard, but once you are on the other side, you will thank me!

Let's keep hustling together!

xoxo Miriam



  1. "Reaching the goal isn't the goal - its working towards it" - this reminds me of a quote that was painted on my highschool's walls. It read, "Life's about the journey, not the destination." I think that can be applied to so many things! I think rest is important but getting back to the hustle...thats where I'm happiest too!

    1. Resting feels so much better after having done some work!


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