Sunday, 22 September 2019

The summer of 2019

Summer is officially over. Fall arrived over 2 weeks ago, rudely ahead of schedule (have you not heard of being fashionably late?), and after telling each other every day for the last 14 days that "summer is gonna come back, just wait and see!", we have to admit defeat. We have waited, and all we see is rain (an unusual amount for our region), fog, and grey skies.
But! Before we fully embrace fall (I already started decorating, having successfully moved into the acceptance stage), let's take a look at the summer of 2019!

It was a big one around here. As you can see, I became a pool-owner, fulfilling a childhood fantasy. Never give up on your dreams, kids!

It was also the summer where a new resident moved into my body: cellulite! It's been there for years, in small numbers, but this summer it brought all its friends and extended family. A new exciting development is that it's also taking possession of the front of my thighs, not just the back, which has the advantage that I don't need to crane my neck to follow its progress. Don't be fooled by the heavily filtered photos you see here; it's there, loud and proud. 

Rich turned 65 this summer, and we celebrated in style with a live band, a roast pig, a booze canoe and friends and family.  
I did some monkeying around, as one does. 
We bought 2 hammocks for a pine tree-scented, beautiful spot at our place and we had big plans of using them all the time. We used them once. But now we have big plans to use them next year! 
Lily and I spent a lot of time in our Hollywood swing in Princeton. 
I spent a lot of time with this guy.
We got 3 calves this year! (You can see one in the picture below, with his dad on the left and mommy on the far right - the black one with the devil horns.)
Shockingly, we didn't get any new dogs. 

Instead we got a grandson, which is even better! Axel, we love you so much. 
I had some ice cream. 
And some time at the beach.
 I learnt what a sunshower is, and it's glorious!
I will never get tired of this view:
Or that:
Or this girl:
 I published a new book:
My husband brought me fresh flowers from the garden:
And we had several house guests. 
The cats have claimed the porch of my SheShed, which makes me proud. I didn't expect anything less.  

Summer of 2019, you were a good one. 
Bring it on, fall!


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