Monday, 3 August 2015

August goals

And just like that, it's August.
It's also a holiday here, Happy BC Day to my fellow Canadians!
Today I am linking up with MariahEstherHsiao-TingLindsay and Shannon to Maximize my Month.

Maximize Your Month

It's a link-up designed to encourage us to get the most out of every month by ticking off all the items of a list we made the month before. Let's see how I did, shall we?

My goals for July were all about fun. We have to be nice to ourselves, right? Shockingly, I didn't finish them all. There is apparently such a thing as too much fun, I guess?
Here are the ones I did complete:

Project Life scrapbook
I totally rocked this one. My goal was to put the first six months of 2015 into an album, and I did that in four days! I'm thrilled. It's such a fun way to document life. Scrapbooking is here to stay! If you are interested in getting started yourself, you can find out all you need to know here.

I stepped on my mat every single day last month. #yogaeverydamnday is right! A post about my progress is in the works, stay tuned!

Write and read daily. 
Well, I definitely wrote or read every day, so that counts, right? Since I'm making the rules here I say that yes, it does. ;-)
Here are the numbers:
Writing: I had one article published on Thought Catalog ("21 definite signs you spend way too much time with your dog"), brought out the July edition of our work newsletter, and wrote 13 blog posts.
I'm also working on something you will read about in my August goals in about two paragraphs from here. Eeks!!
Reading: I read 3 books and started a fourth.
"Us" by David Nicholls - 4 stars
"Momzillas" by Jill Kargman - 3 stars
"Sphere" by Michael Crichton - 5 stars (I love his work)
Started: "Trauma" by Michael and Daniel Palmer - it's shaping up to be a decent read.

Reach 200 followers on Bloglovin'.
Thanks to you, I did! In fact, the current number is 206. You guys are the best, I love you! It's amazing what can happen when one simply asks. Thank you all so much! 

What I didn't manage to clear off my list is swimming in the ocean and to go camping and speed boating.
They are still on for this month, together with a few others:

August goals: 

August is shaping up to be an interesting month. I work more than usual and have more social engagements than usual. What that means in the la-la-land that is my life is working 5daysinarow every single week, like normal people do! I'm as shocked as you are. But fear not, I still have 3 days off in between the strenuous 5-day work weeks. The joys of shift work :-)

August is looking positively cray in terms of socializing as well. We are invited not to one, not to two, but three functions this month. This is usually the quota for my entire year.
First we will spend a day and a night on Salt Spring Island to visit a friend. He has threatened offered to take us to a dance temple! I can't decided if I'm intrigued or terrified. No worries, you will hear all about it!

Our second invitation is to a surprise party. Do you know that I have never been to a surprise party before? I'm so excited to finally be able to do the whole crouching-behind-the-couch-then-jumping-up-and-yelling-"SURPRISE"-shtick. It's about time. 

Our third function is a wedding. In the Americas. It will be super low-key (not the first wedding for either the bride or groom), which is my favourite kind of wedding. Also, they request no gifts. Help me out: Does that really mean no gifts? Am I just writing a card? Or do I still buy something? But what? I always feel woefully inadequate when it comes to social etiquette. Help a sister out please!

The B-word
Okay, here goes. Remember how I hinted on something I'm working on earlier in this post? I was building suspense. Because that's what writers do. Because, as you may have guessed, the B-word refers to....


drum roll 


to heighten the suspense



Yeah, I'm doing it again. For the 167,967th time I have started to write a book. What's different this time?
Well, for starters I'm writing it down here, on The List. Writing stuff down on The List makes it 77% more likely to get done. The number is real.*

*No, it's not. I just made that up.

For real though, I'm super-duper excited about it! I have a plan, I have low expectations, I have officially announced it here. What can go wrong?
(So much, oh so much. Most likely, my highly advanced skill in procrastination will rear its ugly head again. But I'm ready to fight it! You'll see!)

Anyway, these are my goals for August. What are yours? Tell me! Even better, link up with Maximize Your Month!


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