Friday, 5 August 2016

The waiting game

Yesterday we had a showing at 11:30am. We went out for lunch to give the potential buyers some peace. Shortly after 12:00pm, our agent called us and said: "We are really close! They've driven past your place several times, and are really interested. I call you back when we have the papers."
I was so excited, I couldn't even finish my lunch! 

That was 24 hours ago, and we haven't heard anything. Nada. Zip. Zilch. 
The waiting is awful. 

I try to rationalize it: 
"They wanted to sleep on it. 
They have a life, and jobs, and other obligations. 
24 hours isn't a long time. 
Maybe our phone isn't working?" (It is working, I checked. Several times.)

This entire experience is all about hurry up and wait. It's frenzied activity (getting the house clean and ready before a showing) followed by waiting. 

And waiting. 

And some more waiting. 

I'm not good at waiting. But right now I have to be.
Which, I guess, is an important learning experience.

What it shows me is that I really, really want this to happen. 
Rich said yesterday: "If it doesn't work out, we'll just stay here." And I agreed, because it wouldn't be a bad thing. We love this place, and we have a good life here. 

Yet, I'm itching to get our new life started. I lay awake at night, picturing us in our new home, new town, and new life, and it makes me so happy to visualize it all. I want it to become reality!

So all we can do is to hurry up and wait some more. 

And believe in the future.
If it's supposed to happen, it will.   

Dress: H&M (similar)
Sandals: Old Navy (similar)
Glasses: Clearly

Linking up with Fashion Should Be Fun, A Pocketful of Polka Dots, Rachel The Hat, Sheela writes, Elegance and Mommyhood and Shelbee on the Edge

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