Friday 28 October 2016

October magic

It's amazing what a difference it makes when the sun comes out. We are having a particularly wet fall this year, proving the name "Wet Coast" completely appropriate. But today is a sunny, gorgeous day, and my mood went up by at least 1000 points. The boys are cutting down trees (meaning there is another big campfire in my near future), we are meeting friends for dinner tonight, and the corgi is waiting for me to go out for a nice long walk. All is right in my world. 
I hope it's sunny in your world, too!

Dress: Joe Fresh
Booties: Old Navy



  1. Love this dress. You look so cute, so happy!

    1. I am! Pretty dresses and sunshine are all it takes to make me smile 😊

  2. It's quite cloudy and rainy here today and I love it!

    But that dress! So cute and pretty!

    1. You would love the Greater Vancouver area, it rains a lot here. This October was the worst in many years, we've seen so much rain that it feels like we should start building an arch soon. My rubber boots have been my best friends!

  3. As my friends and I would say #moodchanger :0)

    1. Totally. I love the sun! Everything looks bright, hopeful and promising when the sun's out!

  4. Such a pretty dress and fun photos! I really like your patterned tights and booties with this. Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday!


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