Friday, 21 October 2016

The best people

There are days where everything feels blah, and the world looks like it has a grey filter on. I've had quite a few of those days lately, where my depression is lurking in the background, following me around like a personal dementor. 

But then there are the other days: The days where you laugh until your belly hurts, where you have fun with every person you meet, where the world is bright and loving and full of promise. 

Yesterday was one of those special days. One so full of sparkle and shine, we broke into spontaneous dance parties at work, a few dear people showed kindness and support in small, but significant ways, and all I could think about is how damn lucky I am for having these people in my life. 

Yoga at work is good for the sole ;-)

The thing about being an introvert with a touch of depression is that your desire to be alone turns on you. Instead of being relaxing and joyful, your treasured alone time becomes a prison, where you get locked down with your bleak thoughts, becoming lethargic and unable to break out on your own. You want to, but you don't have the energy. The mere thought of reaching for you phone, texting a friend, and explaining how you feel is too much. So you sit there, thinking of all the things you usually love doing, and none appeal to you. You are stuck. 

But you know that it won't last. Even if it feels like it may never end, you have to trust that it will. It always has, and it will again. 

Yesterday was the day that broke the bad spell for me. As much as I may dread the thought of having to go out and be amongst people, it often is the only medicine that makes me feel okay again. It worked its magic yesterday, and it did so in spectacular ways. 
We had an extremely busy day at work, and as our parents taught us, hard work is the best medicine. It stops you from getting trapped in your head, and forces you to focus on someone else besides you. 

While being busy is good, what makes it magical is when you work well with the people around you. I like to picture us as an orchestra, all playing together to create harmony and a beautiful piece of art. Taking the unpredictability and chaos of our workplace and transforming it into order and happy patients is extremely satisfying. Doing it while joking, singing and dancing? Priceless.   

I know that many of my special people will be reading this. I hope you know who you are. 
Thank you for being awesome and bringing so much fun and sparkle into the world!



  1. This was my day on Friday. I felt against the eight ball from the time I woke up. Needless to say, I was cranky by the time I got to work. But My coworkers and I laughed all day - sometimes until we cried. It was the best medicine for all of us.

    1. There is nothing better than a bad day that's turned around by laughter and joy. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's magic!

  2. I totally miss wearing scrubs to work!! My life was SO much easier when I knew exactly what to put on that early (I get up at 4:45 am now, and have always worked crazy hours)in the morning!! There's nothing wrong with being an introvert.... but you're right, it comes with its challenges. You're great, you got this.

    1. You are the best Katie! Thank you!
      Getting up at 4:45 am is brutal. Yikes! As much as I would like to dress up once in a while for work, the ease of scrubs is priceless.
      Thanks for your kind words!

  3. It's so important to be surrounded by good people that help us get out of our own heads. I'm glad you have your people!

    1. I will leave some of them soon, unfortunately 😔 But I figure that the people that are meant to be in my life will stay, and the others are only supposed to be in it for a certain time. Feeling zen tonight 🙏

  4. I have depression so I completely understand. Today is one of those days for me. But, instead I decided to finally get back to blogging and catch up on some posts that I've missed. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    1. And I'm so happy that you found the energy to blog and read instead of sinking into depression's dark pit. Depression isn't the boss of us!

  5. I think you need to show Timmy some better technique! ;)

    1. He has a natural knack for it, just needs some practice. He's so fit!


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