Friday, 12 October 2018

90s child

Here's a fun fact about living in a rural setting: UPS, Purolator, DHL and all the other shipping companies don't deliver to our mail box. They drop it off at a coffee shop in town, and DHL leaves it in Kamloops, a city that's an hour away from us, and we have to arrange a drop-off day to have it delivered to the feed store in town. Usually they call us and let us know that there is a parcel waiting for me, and I drive in to pick it up. It's inconvenient but also quaint, and I find it quite funny. 

I ordered these overalls 3 weeks ago and was impatiently waiting for them to arrive. Day after day I would eagerly open my mailbox, only to be disappointed. No overalls and no phone call - it was frustrating. Yesterday I finally decided to drive into town anyway and ask at the coffee shop if they just forgot to call me. They didn't have it, but they told me that there is a third location in town that is a drop-off location: the computer store across the street. I had no idea! I went there, and lo and behold, not only had my overalls been waiting there for me for 2 weeks already, they also had another package for me that I had completely forgotten about, containing a sweater and sneakers. What a nice surprise! 
They didn't call because they didn't have my number (GAP and Old Navy don't print the phone number on the address label like other companies do). Anyway, the overalls are here, and I love them so much, I snapped a few photos to share.

Overalls: GAP
Sneakers: Skechers

Happy Friday!

xo Miriam



  1. I really love dungarees! These are fab ones! Fun photos xx Maria

    1. I had a pair in the 90s (hence the title), but these ones are better! I highly recommend them to anyone who's in the market for some comfy overalls.
      Thanks for stopping by Maria, have a fabulous weekend!

  2. That's a good way to hide packages from your hubby though since they'll have to call you instead of boxes being delivered exactly at your doorstep! But yes, I can see why it's an inconvenience! This pair of overalls look amazing and your photos look so fun! I can't wait to get a pair. I see so many and I just need to try them on. Happy Friday!

    Maureen |

    1. I can't recommend these ones from the GAP highly enough, they are so comfy and amazing! If you want overalls, you can't go wrong with this pair.

      Also, you made an excellent point in regards to picking up parcels instead of having them delivered, the sneak factor is definitely a plus haha!

  3. Super cute! That’s crazy that it’s like a scavenger hunt to get your packages!

    1. Haha isn't it? It's such a throwback to yesteryear, the nostalgic in me likes it, but the impatient instant-gratification-craving part in me goes a little bit nuts every time I wait for a package to arrive!

  4. Adorable. Absolutely adorable.

    1. Finally pants that fit my surroundings! It was time.

  5. Very interesting about the package delivery system in rural towns. They find a way to get you your stuff! Not too long ago a coworker was shocked to learn that the mailboxes in our old neighborhood are all lumped together in one place, rather than an individual box at each house. Most new neighborhoods are like that. I guess the mailpeople got tired. lol. Overalls are baaaack! Everything really does come back. They look so comfy, cute and so you.

    1. Thank you!! They are my new favourite pants for sure, I just love them. And yes, I owned a pair in the 90s, should have held on to them haha!
      We have the same mailbox system in Canada, and I think it's convenient. It definitely saves time for the mail guys!

  6. You looks so adorable in these overalls! I enjoyed reading about your package delivery system - I had no idea things like this still happened. :)

    1. Haha yup, neither did I before moving there, it's funny! Annoying too, but a good lesson in patience lol ;-)


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