Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Best (and worst) of October

It's the eve of NaNoWriMo, so I thought I'd better say hi (and bye?), just in case I disappear from the blog for the next 30 days. I don't think that will happen, but who knows? I've never written 50,000 words in a month before, because I'm a slooooow writer, so I don't know if I will have the energy to blog much. 
A few blog friends decided to join in, which makes me so happy! (Hi Sam and Tori ✌)

Let's look at October, shall we?
As always, I took a one-second-video every day:
So golden, right?

The good:
October was a great month, with visits to friends and family, many sunny and picture-perfect days, and good days at work.
I blogged more in October than any other month this year and last (13 posts including this one), which is largely due to being away from home half the time. I'm having more time for myself than I've had in years! I'm not calling Princeton my "writing retreat" for nothing ;-)
As you can see in the video, Lily is my constant companion, which is really special. I always spend lots of time with her, but usually my attention is divided between her, the other dogs, Rich, and the rest of the animals - but for the past 3 months she gets a ton of undivided attention from me, and we both enjoy it tremendously. She's stubborn and willful, but she's my best friend!

Rich and I have started hanging out even more in my She Shed, lighting a fire in the fireplace almost every night when I'm home and the dogs and kittens all hanging out together. They are getting along great now, and there's nothing nicer than watching them all play and afterwards have a nap together. It's truly magical. 
In other news, the inhaler I've been using for the past month for my wheezing and shortness of breath is working (sort of - it's not gone, but better), so that's a relief. 
Oh, since I mentioned it on Instagram I can share it here too now: Rich and I are becoming grandparents in February! We are both very excited, this will be our first grandbaby ❤

The bad:
I finished the last available season of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, and now I'm feeling bereft. I miss all my imaginary TV friends! Do you feel that way too when your favourite show is over? I'm seriously contemplating starting from the beginning again, but I'm not sure if I can go through all that drama again ...

I hope you had a great Halloween! Lily and I drew the curtains and hid in our bed in true introvert-style - it was awesome!

xoxo Miriam



  1. Good luck on the writing challenge in November. I've enjoyed your posts this month, but I'm sure it will be nice to make a lot of progress on your book writing at once. I DO also feel like I'm missing a friend sometimes with a TV series and sometimes with a really good book. I'll catch myself wondering what's happening with them now! :)

    1. Right?! I'm the same! Thankfully we can re-live the magic (and drama!) on Netflix.
      Thanks so much for saying that you enjoyed my posts! Not to worry, I won't abandon the blog completely this month. I would miss it too much!

  2. good luck on your writing challenge. You will be great at it.

    1. 1692 words in, baby! So far, so good 😊

  3. Congratulations on becoming grandparents! That's so exciting! I also love that your kitties are living it up in your she-shed.

    1. They've totally declared it their space, I'm lucky I'm still allowed in there 😉


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