Saturday, 26 April 2014

A box full of ducks

Happy Saturday! Today I slept till 10am, stayed in bed till 11am, and then had a very leisurely coffee with Rich and one of the kids. Heaven!
We also got a special delivery: a friend brought over a box of ducklings! Totally normal around here.

Lily is beyond excited! She wants to play with them.
"No way! Don't let that crazy dog near us!" 

Me: "No worries little duckies, I will protect you. You are safe."
"Phew! Now we can rest easy."
Cutest little foot I have ever seen.  


Have a great weekend!

Love, Miriam

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  1. Ahhhhhh!! Overload of cuteness! Send them to me?! :P x

  2. my dream "pet" i had chickens but not ducks. very cute

    1. They are! Very soft and cuddly too. A bit smelly though. And they like making messes with their water. But still, cutest babies we have on the farm right now!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. OMG! Those little guys are soooo cute! I just want to cuddle with all of them!

  4. Super cute pics of the ducklings, and wow Lily is looking so grown up and regal. Love her!!

  5. You should write a children's book using your animal pictures. Those duckies are too cute!

  6. Oh my goodness, stop ittttt!!! Gahhhh!!! I WANNA SQUEEZE THEM! The little one peeking out cracks me up!

  7. OMG they are SOOOOO cute...with their little feet and their little beaks!!

  8. Soooo cute!!! Lily looks very interested....



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