Thursday, 28 August 2014

Style: Dog days of summer

Guys, it's still beautifully hot. I love it, and I sincerely hope that fall will take its time to make an appearance - I'm not ready for scarves and tights just yet!
These photos are inspired by this post from Emma and Elsie at A Beautiful Mess. They are amazingly creative coming up with new photo ideas, and I loved that one that their photographer Sarah dreamed up. 

All my editing is done with PicMonkey and befunky, it's pretty easy! Let me know in the comments if you would like to know how. 

Shoes: Coach (thrifted); shorts: Winners; top: Old Navy; belt: American Eagle (old); headscarf: belt from shorts; sunnies: anciently old (and cheap) - from Otter Co-op (our neighbourhood grocery store that also sells clothes and accessories - so awesome)
(Wow, not a single link, sorry guys. Old clothes are my thing?) 

xoxo Miriam

Linking up with Lena B, actuallyTransatlantic Blonde and Style Elixir

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  1. Your floral shorts and matching hair scarf are gorgeous Miriam. Beautiful backdrop for photos also. You look lovely in that last photo.

    Hope your Summer has been wonderful. Welcome by to see my latest. Thanks, Ada. =)

  2. Very cute- love the scarf! Cool photo editing too.

  3. Gah! You're so stylish and cute! The scarf is awesome. And I love the editing! Great fashion post, my friend.


  4. I love the outfit! The pictures turned out awesome!

  5. Love the picture fun!!! I'm happy for summer to stay forever (though apparently I'm moving to an area that is close to having that) :)


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