Friday, 22 August 2014

I'm baaack!!

My dear friends, I just arrived home safely after 15 wonderful days of vacation in Germany. Even though I'm jet-lagged, smelly and greasy-haired, I simply have to check in.  
For one, you are probably all tired of the giant gummy bear by now (I know I am).

But more importantly, I wanted to let you all know that I have, by no means, lost my love of blogging. On the contrary! I have missed this space dearly over the last few weeks, and I am so looking forward to return to regular blogging and normal life. 

That's all I've got for now. There is a Corgi that needs to be cuddled in bed, which is where I am headed right this minute. Boy, am I tired. Tired, but happy. See you all tomorrow!

Lots of love, Miriam

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  1. Hello Miriam! Welcome back!!! This space missed you, too :) It sounds like you had an amazing time and I can't wait to read all about your adventures in Germany!
    ~ Samantha

  2. Welcome back! I can't wait to read about your adventure. Great pic by the way :)

  3. Welcome back!! We missed you too! Such a good picture!

  4. Welcome back!!! Love the family picture! :)

  5. welcome back!! love the picture of you and your family.

  6. Yay!! The photo is wonderful. Looking forward to hearing more about the trip!



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