Friday, 15 April 2016

"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together"

This week was hideous. It was awful because of my dog passing, stressful because I need to study for an exam next week (and I didn't), and it therefore had plenty of moments of me burying myself under the covers in the middle of the day. 


Life goes on. And it must. And there were also a few amazing things that happened this week:
I reconnected with one of my daughters after a long time, and it made me so happy. Another daughter came for a visit and was as compassionate as you could wish for. 
A friend and I went for coffee, to talk about everything that was going on in our lives. (And it felt so good.)  
Then there was the fact that Rich and I felt undoubtedly closer this week than we have in some time. 
The other dogs were as loving and attentive (or even more so!) than ever. 

And our youngest daughter had some reason to celebrate: She got an apprenticeship at an electrician's company. After two weeks of work, it was time to take her out and celebrate her amazing accomplishment. 
So we did, and beforehand, I snapped a few quick pictures of my outfit. 

Dress: old (similar, and oh yes, this one is cute, too!)
Necklace: old (amazing alternatives (under $20): herehere and here)
Clutch: Old (similar)

They always say that kids make you continue on with life even if you don't want to, and you know what? They are right. We had a great night, with delicious food, drink, and lots of laughter.

Shop my look: 

Life has its downs, but it also, always, has lots of ups. 
Never forget that. 


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