Saturday, 3 September 2016

Happy links

Do you know what I do every single morning before I even get out of bed? Before I even pee?
Grab my phone and look for something fun and uplifting on the Internet. Nothing starts the day off better than a few chuckles, right?

I found some real good ones this week, and I wanted to share them with you. If you like this kind of post, let me know, and I might turn this into a weekly feature!

Let's start with a brilliant guy who started a new job at Target and documented his first five days on the job. Some of his funny observations include: "Served an old woman who I thought had an impressive mustache, but it was just nose hair."
"A three year old came through, pushed by his personal chauffeur. He bought one small Spider-Man onesie. He carried out the entire transaction on his own. He was the most polite customer I have had so far."
"I met a man who looked like Harry Potter if, instead of getting out of the cupboard at age eleven, he stayed in there for fifteen more years with nothing but Red Bull and My Chemical Romance albums."

The one and only Jenny Lawson aka the Bloggess found a dead duck on her nightstand at 2am in the morning and shared her startling discovery on Twitter. The ensuing conversation is hilarious and absurd. I love her to pieces.

This Instagram account makes me want to run away and live in a van in the desert. 

If you love clogs, Swedish Hasbeens currently has its summer sale: 70% off!

This is either the happiest pygmy goat I have ever seen, or the most obnoxious. I can't decide. 

Who doesn't like free stuff? You still have time to enter my giveaway to win an awesome yoga wheel. Only two days left!

jj_fitclub featured my video of trying to do yoga with the dogs as part of their Wonderful Wacky Wednesday series on Instagram, and it made me all kinds of happy. Thanks again!

President Obama is the coolest. 

This yogi who has an unusual workout partner. 

An oldie but a goodie: Jimmy Fallon and Billy Crystal. 

Happy weekend!


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