Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The silence of the lambs

We have two new babies! Clarice and Jodie arrived last Saturday, healthy and cute as buttons. Lambs are super-easy babies, they run and jump around almost from the moment they are born. 

Our dogs are all really good with the sheep, and don't bother them.
Well, all except one: Nina. She is our baby, only 18 months old, and immensely curious. She just couldn't resist to take a closer look. 

 "Hey, who are you?"
"You smell delicious."
"What's going on here?"
"Leave my babies alone, young lady!"
"Are you okay?"
"Off you go, play with the other dogs."
"She's gone girls."
"Damn it, now my dinner is cold."

It's been a while since I did a farm-related post, and it was fun! 
As you can see, I am keeping my blog name Farm Girl - the vast majority of you don't want me to change it, and you are right. 

Emily had the brilliant idea to incorporate the other name into my tag line, and I love it. I just have to figure out a snappy way to word it, and then I will have both names! Compromises are beautiful. 

Thank you to all who voted!



  1. I am dying from cuteness overload!

    1. I know, right??
      Definitely amongst the top 3 of cutest animals on the farm!

  2. Replies
    1. They are sooooooooooo cute! I love them ❤

  3. Aww they are so cute! :D It's nice seeing your dog getting to know the new arrivals too! :)

    Hope you're having a wonderful week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. So adorable!! What little cuties. Mama Sheep put poor Nina in her place.

    1. She is a real protective mama bear. Such a good mom! The babies are thriving :-)

  5. Replies
    1. They are even cuter in person! Clarice, the little white one, loves to jump around. She's so funny! ♥


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