Friday, 6 March 2015

Style: Bye Hawaii

We are back home! I've just woken up from a three-hour nap, am now sitting in my favourite spot in our house (in front of my desktop computer - I missed thee!), sipping a big ol' cup of Kona coffee, and try to get my bearings. We had an overnight-flight, and my internal clock is completely messed up. What day is it? What time is it? Am I really going back to work tomorrow? (Sadly, the answer to that question is yes). 

No matter what time or day, I'm so happy to be back home. The reunion with the dogs was beautiful! There was squealing, and jumping, and enthusiastic tail wagging - and that was just me. You should have seen the dogs! Miss Lily was besides herself with joy, no second wasted on being resentful for leaving her. One of the 3.7 billion reasons why I love her so much!

Sorry about the poor quality of these photos. I have two excuses: 1. &*#$@ manual setting 2. I didn't take them

It may be bitter-sweet when a wonderful vacation comes to an end, but it was about time: some of us look decidedly rounder around the waist. Well, okay, it's all of us: humans and Corgis alike. Lily gained 3 pounds, and so have I (or maybe more, but I will never tell). I know what I did to get that extra cushioning: lots and lots of liquid aloha (oh alcohol, why do you taste so good?) and all the deep-fried things. I'm usually not even into deep-fried food, but for some reason, on this vacay I was. Fries and battered fish/shrimp never tasted so good! Who knows what Lily got up to while we were gone, I tried to find out, but she isn't saying. Oh well, we all need our little secrets!

On this note, I better get dressed and head out for a much-needed, long walk.   

Top: ModClothpants: Aeropostale (old) (similar); sandals: American Eagle (old) (affordablepricey); hat: H&M (similar)

Happy Friday friends!



  1. love your shoes! i wish the weather will allow me to wear those kind of outfits again!

  2. Love the photos! Nothing beats the love, attention, and affection from the creatures when you're returning home!
    Even when we drop the pup off at my in-laws for an afternoon it's like he thinks we've been gone for years!

  3. That shirt - "wild at heart" - fits your personality perfectly! I love it! It sounds like you had such a wonderful time and despite having to be back in the swing of things, I'm sure it feels good to be home. I mean, if I HAD to return home to a farm full of animals that love me, I GUESS it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world ;)

    And also, the fancy Hawaiian drinks may be gone but who says there aren't yummy beverages in Canada, too? haha ALL of the wine!
    ~ Samantha

  4. Haha yes, excellent point!
    Honestly, I'm so happy to be home, I don't miss Hawaii. It helps that we have gorgeously sunny and spring-like weather, it's in the 60s!

  5. Dogs are great that way, aren't they? Excited again and again to be reunited with us. Can't beat that sort of love!

  6. I hope so, too! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  7. Any time!!
    It was a wonderful vacation, but I'm happy to be back home! The temps are so nice, almost feels like California! The weather is confused, but I'll take sunshine and warmth any day :-)

  8. I love the color of those pants. Glad you're home safe and heck yeah to a little vacation weight gain. That's a sign of time well spent. :)

  9. I agree, every delicious bite and sip were totally worth it!!


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