Friday, 27 March 2015

Style: Shake It Off

Before you start reading, do yourself a favour and click on the video above to have the appropriate tunes for this post. 'Kay, thanks. Aren't WOTE amazing? They are funny, talented, and make you feel awesome.

We have a choice how we want to see the world. Do we choose to focus on the negative, all the sad and terrible stories that are on the news every day? While I'm rarely tempted to go down that rabbit hole, once in a while a story will grab me and touch me deep inside. That plane crash in the Alps two days ago was one of them: The fact that it was a suicide committed by the young co-pilot, which turned into a terrible mass murder by taking down 150 people with him shook me. So sad, so shocking, so disturbing.
We watched it on the news, then I read about it on the internet, and then I was in a real funk about it.
But what good does it do to wallow in misery? Especially a misery you can't do anything about?

Cue Taylor Swift/Walk Off The Earth. What I needed to do was exactly that: to "shake it off". Or to quote Elizabeth Taylor: "Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together." Instead of pouring myself a drink I danced, which is an even better option in my opinion! It totally did the trick.
Taylors for the win! 

Sparkle dress: Luulla; jean jacket: American Eagle; red shoes: ancient (similar);
necklace: no longer available, but tons of great options here; sunnies: cheapies from Hawaii (similar

Linking up with Fashion Should Be FunRachel the HatA Labour of Life and Sydney Fashion Hunter



  1. What a stunning, flirty, retro cocktail dress that is and I love the pretty red flats and statement necklace, also. =)

  2. Just love the dress! Miriam you are looking radiant. I'm also deeply saddened about those news. Makes you realize life is really short, and I always say, while we are here.. we should dance! Perfect cheerful post for Friday!

  3. You look gorgeous! I agree, Taylors for the win!

  4. Wow - what a gorgeous dress! Such fun photos and a good message.

  5. You look so glamorous in the sparkly dress, even with the casual jean jacket! Just love it! Once again, your positive spirit and energy just falls effortlessly off of you and is utterly contagious!

  6. I found this dress via Pinterest and was immediately enthralled. Champagne-coloured sparkles? How fun! The best part is that it's super comfortable and easy to wear, and only cost $33 :-)

  7. I once read: "Hard times require furious dancing." Excellent advice!

  8. A dancing Corgi is the best medicine. We did have a blast, it was great fun!

  9. I love Taylor Swift's album 1989 and have been listening to it a lot. "Shake it off" always gets me in a good mood!

  10. Thank you! As soon as I saw it online I knew I had to have it. Such a fun and girly dress! It's still available... ;-)

  11. Linds, you are making me blush and silly-grin all over my face, sheesh! Thanks for that. A dancing corgi has magical powers, she combined with the sparkles and some Swifty is highly uplifting :-)

  12. lostlovfoundstyle30 March 2015 at 08:21

    Love love love that you paired a jean jacket with a sparkly dress! That's totally my jam! <3

  13. Loooove the dress! And the dancing, you awesome lady!

  14. Love that sequin dress on you! Totally agree- much better to shake things up and not get caught up in the depressing news. xo Andrea

    Boho Bunnie

  15. Thanks girl! <3 It's the perfect party dress, you can't help but dance when wearing it ;-)

  16. Sequins for the win - is there anything girlier or more fun? Nope, didn't think so. ;-)
    I just entered your giveaway, it's a fabulous one! Thanks for doing it!

  17. I could feel you shakin it off in those pics, you are right we need to stop, reflect, learn from and then move on. LOve your dress if I can go back to being shallow though. Thanks for linking up and hope to see you back

  18. Music and dancing make everything better! See you on Friday :-)


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