Monday 18 May 2015

Life lately

Let's have a little catch-up session, shall we? What have you been up to?

Here is the thing: My blogging game has not been on point lately. I have (hopefully only temporarily) lost my blogging mojo. Aaahhh!! Even now I have been sitting in front of the screen for half an hour already, not being able to string two words together. I have, however, watched Taylor Swift's Bad Blood video twice, confirming my fan-girl status for Swifty. That girl is on fire!
Speaking of cool girls, are you following Anna Kendrick on Twitter yet? If you are not, here are 21 hilarious tweets of hers that verify her cool-girl status. Example: "My daily objective is less about goal achievement and more about regret management. #AimLow"  Or this: "Never a diva. But occasionally a real dick." Girl is keeping it real. I love her!

Another one of my fave girls I recently hung out with is Lea. Last week we went shooting (on pop cans, I hasten to add), and it was everything I hoped it would be.

Dogs, guns and ice cream - what else do you need? Not much, I tell ya.

If you follow me on Instagram you know what is taking up all my time and attention lately: Yoga all day, every day. I tend to get quite obsessed about things, and mastering a handstand this year has become my latest obsession.

I'm also dragging my friends into my yoga life and did a practice at twilight with one of my best friends a few days ago. It was beautiful!

Spring is showing its best face this year and is giving us spectacular weather day after day.
Spending lots of time in my happy place

In other news: After posting this picture yesterday on IG for the Tom's #withoutshoes campaign I acquired a foot fetishist as follower. I feel oddly flattered.
I have never been a big fan of my feet. Thanks Internet for making me appreciate my least favourite body parts!

Okay, that's it for today, I think it's random enough. I'll try to get my blogging game back, I promise!

Love, peace and happiness

P.S. Bloglovin' fixed my double-address problem! Now it's all in one place, updates are up and running, and you can follow me here. Thanks peeps!!



  1. Super fun, cute and upbeat! Keep up the positive energy :)

  2. I don't know where to start! Thanks for reminding me to go watch the new T. Swift video! I need to do that. Right now there is a guy working in my office so maybe I'll wait til he leaves, just in case he's not a Swifty. The ice cream looks sooo good! I love the pics of you gals with the guns. Girls who can shoot (pop cans, of course) are awesome. And yay for friends doing yoga together! I'm going to my first pre-natal yoga class tomorrow. Hoping I love it and can keep going so I can try to be as cool as you, even if I'm not doing the super awesome headstands and handstands!

  3. Yay for your awesome (not even shaky) handstand!!! P has forbidden me trying handstands or headstands while not supervised :P Not that I could hold myself up anyway, he puts too much faith in me being able to defy gravity :) The ice cream looks yummy! Sounds like life is going good! You are having fun doing, and that's always a good thing!!

  4. How long till you start holding twilight yoga sessions on your farm?? Sign me up! Hehe. Bonus Corgi love :)

  5. Being upside down all the time must release massive amounts of endorphins :-) I hope you're doing well, too!

  6. Have fun at your yoga class! I hope you'll love it. It's probably best to wait with all that inversion stuff until little desert baby arrives ;-)
    Isn't Taylor's video awesome? That girl is too cool!

  7. Yup, things are good. I didn't realize you were sick in April. Are you feeling better now? I hope so! I thoroughly enjoyed your latest 'Discover San Diego' post, still fantasizing about that gigantic pretzel haha!

  8. I really should! Gotta work on a better flow, right now my practice is pretty random lol

  9. Yes, better now, though popping two different allergy medications :) My sinus were just a mess April, had a sour throat for 2+weeks, horrible sinus pressure. One week my eyes were bloodshot for 3 days, I think because the pressure was so bad. I was just a mess :) Thank you M! You will have to come on down and I'll take you for one :)

  10. I'm seriously plotting a road trip down to San Diego. Not sure when yet, but it's gonna happen! You, me and S will meet for real one day! :-D

  11. I'm doing an entire post about her tweets tomorrow. They are just too good not to share! When I grow up I want to be funny like her!


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