Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Morning routine + Let's grow together {Link-up #18}

I may not be getting up with the chickens (ha! almost never), but I get down with them daily.
Over the last couple of months I have developed a routine that I perform almost every day: After my morning coffee and some blog reading, I roll out my yoga mat. Well, sometimes it's the mat, sometimes it's a hay bale - whatever I happen to find first. 
Whenever possible, I go outside for my practice. Having the dogs and birds nearby, the peacocks proudly showing off for the ladies and the horses looking on is so special! It makes me deeply grateful for the beautiful world we live in. 
While the sun warms my skin I feel the satisfying stretch and pull of my muscles; the dogs run by to give me a quick lick over the cheek; the geese gather round to see what the heck Farm Girl is doing. 
"Peculiar behaviour".
They may be sometimes in the way - but I wouldn't want it any other way. 

What is your morning routine?

Farm Girl



  1. I love that your pups share the yoga mat with you!!

  2. I wish my morning routine was as healthy as yours but alas, Tea, shower, dress, pictures then work. and on the weekends Tea, tea and more tea then computer LOL. Love your pictures

  3. I love it! You get to do yoga in the most beautiful setting with lots of furry and feathered friends around you. And you know I love the hay bale mat. So fun!

  4. Your poses are so inspiring! I know how long it's taken me to do my headstand and you seem to have mastered so many other challenging poses in less time!
    Keep up the lovely work! Oh, and please give all the furry critters some pets from me!

  5. Done! They say thank you :-)
    Honestly, I fall more than I stand upside down, mess up more than manage to do the poses correctly, and have many days were nothing is working. Don't give up, hang in there! Just keep practicing, and it will come. (That's what "my" teacher Kino always says). I will soon do a post of all my yoga mishaps, there are tons!

  6. It's quite comfy, just a bit short haha :-)
    It took me a few years to appreciate the farm for all it has to offer and to look past the "it's so much work "-part. If life hands you farm animals, make yoga buddies out of them!?

  7. I'm very fortunate in that I mostly work afternoon shifts that start at 4pm. If I work a day shift I can't make myself get up early enough to practice before work!

  8. Wooow, I love it! Enjoy the weekend honey!!

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  9. Thank you so much Mary Maria! I will check it out!

    Have a great weekend!


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