Monday 26 October 2015

7 awesome (and cheap!) last-minute halloween costumes

Happy Halloween week! Oh, that's not a thing? It totally should be. I love Halloween. It's fun, doesn't involve any stressful gift giving, and includes tons of candy.
Today I'm rounding up my favourite costumes I have found online, all easy to replicate and cheap to boot.  

1. Medusa
How fabulous is this costume? Glue toy snakes onto bobby pins, put on a long, flowy dress and pair it with gold accessories. Creative and easy. For a full tutorial, click here.

2. Moaning Myrtle
Harry Potter fans, this one is for you! This costume is almost too good to be true. Buy a toilet seat (you can get them for under $20), round glasses, and find some school-uniform inspired clothes in your closet. For the full effect draw/glue on some tears and look mopey all night! Idea found here.

3. Tippi Hedren in "The Birds"
This Alfred Hitchcock-inspired costume makes a huge impact, but is pretty easy to put together. Buy fake crows (you can find them at craft or Halloween stores, or even on Amazon) and glue them either onto a 60's-inspired outfit if you have it, or anything green you can find in your closet. For some ideas, check out these pictures
(Photo found here).

4. Grayscale
This costume is sure to make everybody take a double-take when they see you. The first thought crossing their minds will be "what the ...?". The full tutorial is here, Mandi explains it much better than I ever could. She also shares step-by-step photos. As a happy coincidence, Keiko Lynn is sharing her own make-up tutorial on her amazing blog today. If you are into make-up, she's your girl! 

5. Gumball machine
I've seen this costume all over the internet, and had to include it as well: It's just so darn cute! And easy to make as well. For the tutorial, click here.

6. Sonogram
I have to let my x-ray geek flag fly for this one. If you are pregnant and don't know what to dress up for, how about your own sonogram? I think this idea is fantastic. Click here for tutorial. 
Tip: The tutorial suggests that you save your real sonogram picture onto a mini-ipad (or tablet) and bring it with you. Personally I would print off the photo and leave the ipad at home - much safer. 

7. Sheep
It would be a disgrace to call myself farmgirl and not include at least one animal-inspired costume. Particularly since my most popular post on the blog is one about our sheep
This costume is adorable, and easy to make, even if you're not a DIY gal (like me). All you need is a ton of cotton balls, glue and some patience. Tutorial found here.

Bonus idea (neither cheap nor easy, but wickedly awesome): Taylor Swift's Bad Blood girl posse
I had to include it, because omg, how badass is this?! Here is the full tutorial if you want to recreate it, and below is the video for some extra inspiration. 

We will be going to a banquet of the Pigeon Club, which will be a room full of old guys talking about birds. Nobody will be dressed up, because that's how they roll. I'm very tempted to go as Tippi Hedren, with pigeons instead of crows, to demonstrate a side of their beloved birds they haven't seen yet. I'll keep you posted!

Have you decided on a costume yet? 


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