Thursday, 17 December 2015

Word of 2016: BRAVE

It's this time if the year again: Goal setting time! I don't know how you feel about it, but I'm a big fan. Not necessarily in the classic New Year's resolution-kind of way, but more in a "what are your wildest dreams and how can you achieve them"-kind of way. 

Last year I set myself several goals, and then promptly forgot about them. But reading through them just now, I was amazed to find that I tackled almost all of them! *Lists are magical.*

To do a quick recap, here were my goals for 2015:

Become a Canadian citizen.  
As you may recall, I passed the test and interview, but had to sort some paperwork out. As of now I'm sadly not a citizen yet, but waiting for my invitation to the citizenship ceremony. I'm confident that everything has been approved, and that I will become Canadian very soon!

Grow my blog. 
That one is relative, because growth looks different for every person. Did I get more followers? Yes, a few, but nothing huge. Did my blog grow in other ways? I think so. I got a new design, found my direction, and even made a tiny bit of money from it this year. I'm generous and call this goal accomplished! (Sort of.)

By far one of the most important goals in life, and you know what? I'm totally at peace, with no grudges or feelings of resentment against anyone. It's slightly unsettling, but the best feeling you could ever ask for!

Be open to opportunities. 
I don't know how to answer that. Have I been? I'm not sure. After some consideration, and because I feel in a giving mood this morning, I give myself a half-hearted yes - or maybe? It's tricky judging that for yourself. Can I pass on this question?

I wrote a wee little book, so hells yeah! I'm also the self-proclaimed editor and sole writer of our department newsletter, so I declare this goal accomplished. 

Yes, I did end up completing a course, and will do the other two in 2016. Knowledge is power!

Grow my hair. 
Oh yeah, that totally happened. 
Picture to the left: December 30, 2014. Picture to the right: at the beginning of December 2015. 

I have long hair! The last time my hair was anything close to this length was when I was 10 years old and super-tan:

On the right side you see me in September 2012, with one of the pixie variations I rocked for more than 10 years. Isn't hair amazing?

Overall, 2015 was wonderful. I will dedicate an entire post to it, because after this little detour, I want to focus on what this post is about: My word for 2016.
I did that once before, for 2014, and decided on the word create back then. 
Choosing a word is in many ways much simpler than going for complicated resolutions. It gives you more freedom, you feel less under pressure and at risk for failing, and you can interpret it any way you want. 
But make no mistake, it is powerful. I have come to believe that one word can cause more changes in your life than any long-winded resolution could ever do. 

For next year, BRAVE is what I want to be(come). It's part of my tagline (right under my blog's name: "A blog about happiness, confidence, and finding your brave"), because I strongly believe in the power of words. Seeing it every time I open my blog reminds me daily to face my fears and be brave. 
Bravery comes in many forms: 
Standing up for something you believe in. 
Going after a goal that scares the sh*t out of you. 
Knowing that you might fail, and trying it anyway. 
Being honest: Not only to others, but to yourself as well. 
Admitting that something doesn't work, and changing your approach.
Making choices that scare you: Going after a job promotion, moving away, attempting something you have never tried before. 

It might even be something simple like being bolder in your fashion choices, going out in public with no make-up on, or wearing a bold shade of lipstick. 
The opportunities for bravery are endless. 

I can't wait to find out what being brave will lead to next year!

It's going to be amazing. 

Have you chosen a word for 2016? If so, what is it?


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