Sunday, 28 December 2014

My goals for 2015

The last few days have been odd. But then, the days between Christmas and New Year's Eve always are, don't you think? To me, that last week of the old year seems like it is lost time, not used productively in any way. I feel suspended in limbo, paralyzed of sorts - it's not relaxing either. More like waiting for a train - sitting, waiting, and wishing that the train just show up already!

Well, the train is fast approaching, and I'm forcing myself out of my lethargy and looking towards a new, fresh year. I love making plans for the new year, and hearing other people's ambitions!

For 2015 I am dreaming big. There are several goals I want to accomplish, some loftier than others - for now I have best intentions, and I guess that's a good start, right?

Here they are, like always in no particular order:

  • Become a Canadian citizen. I have been wanting to do this for years. Currently I'm still a landed immigrant and a German citizen. We can have dual citizenship, which is what I want to have. It's one of those 'things-to-do' on my never-ending to-do list that pop into my mind every few months, always thinking that "I should really get on that". The paperwork is what I'm dreading, but no more excuses: 2015 is the year where I will make it happen!
  • Grow my blog. After close to two years of blogging and 445 published posts I can say with confidence that I love blogging more than ever. I would be lying if I wouldn't like for my blog to become bigger! I haven't been very intentional with growing it, and am definitely not a proactive person - so far I wait for people to approach me and not vice versa. I intend to change that! It's a scary prospect for me, and one that will mean leaving the comfort zone of my cozy little circle - but you don't get anywhere by staying in a little circle. Eeks, wish me luck!
  • Forgive. Over the last year I have learnt that holding grudges hurts one person more than anyone else: yourself. Chances are, the person you are mad at doesn't even know or care. Letting go of that was one of the best things I have done over the past year, and I want to continue doing that!
  • Be open to opportunities. Sadly, I am a person that's quick to say no. Overall I'm so comfortable in my life that my first instinct is to turn down any new, scary and uncomfortable chances that may come my way. It's not so much the fear of failure (any more), it's the fear of being in a place far outside my comfort zone. But how can you grow without growing pains? And I do want to keep growing as a person, professional, blogger and writer. So my goal is to say YES more often!
  • Write. 2015 will be the year of writing with reckless abandon. Short stories, true stories, novellas, novels, made-up stories - as long as I bring words to paper (well, screen), I will be happy. Writing is so much fun, and it's my biggest dream to see a book with my name on it in a bookstore one day. I'm working on it! 
  • Education. This one is a maybe, but I am considering maybe taking a few more courses in the field of Medical Radiography. More knowledge is more power?!
  • Keep growing my hair. I am on a quest to find out just how long I can grow my hair. It hasn't been past my shoulders since I've been 10 years old, so I am curious to find out!
December 30, 2014

Last year I had three goals: To become a better photographer, writer, and rider (of horses). It's hard to judge for yourself, but I would say that there was some improvement in regards to goals one and two. Or at least, lots and lots of practising! I still enjoy both activities tremendously, so that is definitely a win in my book. But I failed completely on goal #3: horses and I will probably always get along best when we are both on the ground. I don't expect to ever feel completely at ease when I'm sitting on them. Oh well, you can't always win at life! 

Do you have any goals for the New Year? If you do, please share!

xo Miriam



  1. Well I have 3, be more consistent in blogging, school & keeping my friendships alive (I live abroad and I have lost touch to some of my dearest friends), be more self-aware of my body & health (more yoga & longs walks and less procrastinating!) and love, love all things basically, my husband, family, extended family, my friends, myself, even the people who do me wrong aaaand that is it! sounds like we have a pretty busy months ahead!


    1. Wow, your goals are great! Really love every single one of them. Loving ourselves and the people in our life is such a great goal to strive towards, I will include that in my list as well!

  2. Well my ultimate goal is to pass all of my classes so I can graduate on schedule, next December!
    I also want to try out more "vegan food" and expand my taste buds - seitan? Tofu? Kombucha? bring it!
    And the final two are similar to yours; grow my blog (and make more friends!!) and let my hair grow, grow, grow!
    ~ Samantha

  3. These are excellent goals!! Best of luck getting them all done :) I was thinking this week seems weird too. I don't have mine all worked out yet. I definitely want grow my blog more so there is one :)

  4. Great goals! Interested to see how long your hair will get in 2015 :)

  5. these are fabulous goals! Being open to Opportunities is always a challenge but sometimes so worth it!


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