Sunday, 14 April 2013

Baby boom

New babies at the farm! This little cutie was born last night, a boy; mom and baby are doing great. We had high hopes for him (you know how it is with future kids - they gonna become a doctor, president, save the world or become at least a hockey star) : One of Richard's "contacts" (he knows people if you know what I mean) wanted to buy him and use him in movies! How cool is that?! Or at least TV commercials. 
I had already picked out a variety of names we could choose from: Brad, or George, or Robert Downey? 

Alas, it's not to be. For reasons unbeknownst to me, Robert Downey is going to a normal home where he will be bottle-fed and raised without the pressures of show biz. It's probably better for him, but I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. Would have liked to see my baby on the big screen! (Or the - is it little screen for TV? Hmm, doesn't sound right. Oh well, whatever.) 
Mom was nodding her head, maybe telling herself: "I did a good job." Yes you did mama. Which is why  Rich gave her a treat right after the picture was taken.

We also have 8 new Guinea piglets! From 2 litters, so they are divided between 2 mothers. One day old, can you believe it? They are born with their eyes open and fur on, ready for action. I love them.
These photos aren't the best because of this:

I cut myself in my thumb, pretty deep actually, and I was in such a rush to get to work in time that I did an awful job wrapping the thumb up. I just used an entire roll of gauze around it, which made it very thick and cumbersome. My co-workers kindly re-did it and now it looks way better. Still hurts though. 

Anyways, overall a successful Sunday.
Enjoy your evening everyone!

xo Miriam

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