Sunday 28 April 2013

Worky workerton - and the promise of beer(fest)

The odd title is a reflection of the weird space my head has been in all weekend - it's been one crazy busy work weekend. You may or may not recall me going on about how much I like love my job just one week ago.
Well, after two days like these I should seriously re-think that statement.

Okay, it wasn't that bad. But busy. Very, very busy. Run-of-your-feet, legs hurting, total exhaustion busy. Plus we had a computer downtime that lasted 17(!!) hours. Anybody who works with computers (and isn't that everybody nowadays?) knows how dreadful that is. So much extra work: manual entries, piles of paper everywhere, a ton of clean-up afterwards.

Anyways, enough of that. I'm home now, stretched out on the couch in my pjs, just ate a cinnamon bun and the world is looking much friendlier.

There are also some high points about this weekend:
Last night I somehow mustered the energy to go for a walk with Snowy - nightwalks always make me feel better. The rain we had during the day had stopped and the air was fresh and fragrant. Very peaceful.
And we had a good stick-to-your-ribs dinner: homegrown roast chicken, Sauerkraut and potatoes.

 Good ol' German food

Which nicely segues into some fun summer plans: Richard, Lea (our youngest) and I just booked our flight to Germany to visit the old homeland in August.

We are going to the Schützenfest in Richard's hometown. You have heard of the Oktoberfest in Munich? Every town actually has a festival like it, with music, tents, lots of beer, and dancing on the tables. Richard goes every year, but I haven't been since 2008! So I'm quite excited. And Lea is a fun travel companion, up for anything, it will be great!

I thought I would share a few snapshots from the last time we went (in 2008), here you go:

The obligatory dancing on table. It's not optional.

The "rowing" dance. Also not optional.


Dance attempt - it failed.

Fun times ahead!

xo Miriam

1 comment

  1. Oh my gosh that sauerkraut looks ahh-mazing! Recipe please?
    Also, I just went to Germany a few weekends ago (I'm spending the summer in Ireland and I'm about 75% German, so why not?) and I got to attend the Schützenfest! It was incredible! Check out my post about it here:

    It was such a fun event!!
    ~ Samantha


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