Monday, 14 July 2014

It's hot, baby

First things first: Germany won the world cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fourth time in total, but it had been 24 years since the last time, so it was about time. Just joking boys, you were awesome!
I am a very proud German these days. 

In other news: One of my best friends got married yesterday, and I couldn't be happier for him. He got an amazing girl, and the wedding was spectacular! 

But what's really been on everybody's mind is this: It's hot! Global warming is no myth, it's happening right here in BC. Everybody is trying to stay cool, which is a challenge without AC. The solution? Water sprinklers for everyone!

I hope these photos make you feel refreshed! I really want to go swimming now. 

Have a cool Monday!

xoxo Miriam

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  1. congrats on the win for germany! It is quite hot here too, muggy and everything that I don't really like. going out for a run...and wishing i could run through a sprinkler! xo

  2. Beautiful pics!

    And Germany deserved the win for sure! They had an amazing year at the World Cup! Jaaaaa! :)

  3. Be honest: how hot is hot in BC right now? Just curious. Also, I give props to Germany, even though I was rooting against them. They played really well and deserved the win.

  4. Oh, how cute! All the animals look so happy! I am curious about the weather in BC, too. Is it humid there?

    1. No, not humid, but it's been over 90 degrees here for the week or so, and that's hot for us! :-)

  5. The ducks and dogs look like they are enjoying it :) Yay for Germany...I knew you would be pretty excited!

  6. I love your pictures, so pretty! It has been extremely hot! I don't know how it feels exactly where you're at, but here it is hot and so very HUMID!

    1. We don't have humidity, but it's been in the 90s for the last week, and that's hot for us! Especially if you don't have air conditioning. Water sprinklers are life savers!

  7. I definitely love these pics esp of the geese. Awesome.

  8. What a fun way to spend a hot day!
    By the way, HOORAY FOR GERMANY!!!! That made it onto my "Tuesday Tops" post this week (a weekly favorites post) - as did YOU! I hope you don't mind I featured you as one of my top new blogs to read for the week :) Check it out here!:

    ~ Samantha


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