Friday, 19 December 2014

Style: Do what you love

With the year coming to an end, I have been thinking more than usual about goals and plans for the future. For my birthday a friend gave me a mug that I fell instantly in love with (you can see it below). The words written on it are henceforth my motto for 2015:
Do what you love
So simple, yet so profound, isn't it? I think we can all aspire to do more things that we love. It makes us happy, and happy people spread happiness around, making the world a better place!
(Ha, yes it's mushy, I blame it on Christmas and all the chocolates I have eaten today. Endorphines overload!)
I'm drinking from that mug daily, and it's a daily little reminder not to simply continue with the status quo. If something isn't working, change it.

However, that's easier said than done. Getting trapped in a daily unhappy routine is way easier than we might think. Our lives are dictated by work, family schedules, chores, social obligations, and so many more things that seem inevitable. A routine may form that we never planned like that - it just happened, and we are stuck.
But are we really? If you feel trapped, there is always a way out. It may not be obvious, and it may not be easy, but it is doable. You can change anything you want! And you will be happier for it, I guarantee you.

So how about it, dear readers: Will you join in and make 2015 the year where you do what you love?

One thing I will continue for sure are these weekly fashion shoots: they are way too much fun! And who knows: Maybe I will crack the secret code to posing yet...

Cardigan: Sirens; top: Old Navy (last year) (cute alternative);  scarf: gift; earrings: gift; skinnies: American Eagle (similar); booties: Lotta From Stockholm; socks: hand-knitted from my grandma; mug: Chapters

Love, Miriam

Linking up with Rachel the Hat



  1. That mug is brilliant! I love it!
    And I love your Friday fashion shoots - you've always got the best outfits! You've definitely got a gift at put different patterns together :) I can't believe this year is almost over...but yes the new year should be full of doing more of what we love/aspire to. Can't wait for a fresh start!
    ~ Samantha

  2. You look terrific!! Excellent motto for 2015 - you're going to make it a year to remember.

  3. Loooove that sweater! And love you! Your positive vibes are such an inspiration! 😻😻😻

  4. Love that mug! Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for you! :)


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