Monday, 15 December 2014

When you don't want to be mediocre anymore

This morning I came across Jeff Goins. Have you heard of him? I didn't, which is bizarre, because he is a blog-superstar. Here's just a few quick facts for you: 
He grew his blog from zero to over 100,000 readers in less than two years.
He does inspirational podcasts that encourage each one of us to be our best possible selves. 
He is all about writing, and has tons of tips, motivation and advice to share.

What really grabbed my attention and got me thinking was this statement: 
"You can be remarkable, or you can be mediocre. There is nothing else."
Most of us are mediocre, and there are lots of perfectly good reasons why. It is safe; it is easy; it is 'normal'. It requires no extra energy, turmoil or leaps of faith to be mediocre, because it is a natural state of being.

Sometimes I'm sure I am happy with a mediocre life. I have so much to be grateful for: A loving husband, family and friends, a place to live that I love, a secure job, all the creature comforts that one needs. 
But then I picture my life in 10 years from now, or 20, and this little nagging voice whispers into my ear: Is that it? Going to work, coming home, watching TV, reading a bit, going out occasionally, going on vacation once or twice a year. It is wonderful, and I am grateful, believe me. 
However, I can't help but wonder: Shouldn't there be more to life?

With the year coming to an end, I have been thinking a lot about my plans and goals for next year. What is it that I want to achieve? Then, to take it one step further: what is my purpose in life? What do I want to achieve? What do I want to be remembered for when I'm gone?

When you work in a hospital, you encounter people at the end of their lives daily. The one thing they all agree on is this: Life goes by quickly, and we gotta make the most of it. 
And you know what? I don't think I'm making the most of it right now. I can do more. I want to do more! I don't want to be mediocre any more.

So here is what I'm intending to do:
  • Break out of the rut. The biggest time waster I have currently is watching hours of Netflix every day. (Damn you Gilmore Girls!) While I won't quite them completely (I couldn't), I will be much more intentional with my TV watching. Yes, that's right: I'm giving myself TV time. No watching GG until I have accomplished my goals for the day.  
  • I also want to find more inspirational people and share them here on the blog. We all need role models, and I will find them, feature them here and refer back to them often! I made a button for them that's now living in my sidebar, look:
  • Lastly: work hard. Work towards my goals, grow as a person, practice and learn. Turn myself from a clueless, wishy-washy person into a go-getter who will be remarkable!
2015, I have big plans for you.

What are your plans for the new year? In which way are you remarkable?

xo Miriam



  1. Oh my goodness's going to be the best year yet! I really want to focus on my blog, discovering more about being vegan, and sharing more things from my personal life with my readers (there's a few things I've been holding back on, to be honest!). I'm also on the hunt for a summer internship because IM GRADUATING IN DECEMBER!!! I'm SO excited! I can't wait for 2015 - I'm definitely done being mediocre and ready for what's next!
    ~ Samantha

  2. 2015 is going to be a great year! I think there is such a balance to be struck in the attempt to accomplish goals while also just...enjoying the down time that life should include.

  3. Love this idea! I need to band wagon onto your idea :) I actually bought a planner and purchased this I need to find my direction :) I think the role model thing is a great idea! I'm going to start the 365 day photo challenge in the new year and was thinking about doing a month or two as manual only :)

    1. BTW like your new header! Cute what you did with the picture!


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