Saturday, 2 January 2016

Style: A girl and her dog

Guys, it's gorgeous outside. Brilliant sunshine, sparkling icicles everywhere and our pond is frozen solid! That happens very rarely, and the ducks and swans are not too happy about it - but I think it looks beautiful. 

Everything I wear here is several years old, and I have a feeling this trend is going to continue. I really try to be more mindful with spending money these days, and having a closet full of clothes makes it tricky to justify buying new stuff all the time.

Luckily I enjoy mixing the things I own in new ways, it's a lot of fun! I always list where you can find similar items (farther down, highlighted in yellow), just in case you feel inspired to put a similar outfit together (which would be totally awesome by the way, and prove that you have excellent taste). 

I hope it's sunny where you are, and you get to enjoy it this weekend!

Dress: ModCloth (it's not available in teal any more, but in lots of other colours); jacket: old (similar); toque: old (similar); booties: old (similar); dogs and swans: priceless

Linking up with Fashion Should be FunA Pocketful of Polka Dots and Passion for Fashion


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