Friday, 1 January 2016

Goals for 2016

How was your New Year's Eve? Did you stay in or go out and have a wild night?
I was at work till 11pm, which was quite enjoyable. Afterwards I picked up my hubby from his party, the only sober person there, which is always an interesting experience. Shortly after midnight I took him home, where a bunch of freaked-out dogs were eagerly awaiting our return - they hate fireworks. I piled them all into our mudroom, and hung out with them for a while before heading to bed at 1am. A perfect New Year's Eve! 

Today is the favourite day of all planners, dreamers and schemers. 366 (bonus day this year!) pristine days are ahead of us, empty pages waiting to be filled with the story of our lives. I love this time of year, because anything is possible! Sitting here on my beloved desk, the sun streaming in, I am filled with gratitude and a sense of impending adventure (also, the sense that this desk is in desperate need of some dusting and tidying, yikes!).

Over the last week I have been thinking a lot about what I want this new year to be. My word of the year is BRAVE, and I want to be guided by this word in everything I'll do this year.

I made several tangible goals that I will revisit at the end of the year, to see if I managed to achieve them or not!

My blogging game was a bit off last year. It lacked consistency, and I really slacked off during the summer. As I was looking through your favourite posts of 2015, I noticed that they were all from the first 5 months of last year. Half of them were from my link-up, which I ended in May because I had found it to be harder and harder to keep up. Interestingly enough, my page visits dropped when I dropped the link-up.
While I managed to publish 180 posts, it was the lowest number since I started blogging almost three years ago.
My game plan is simple: Post more consistently, 3-5 times a week. I have a ton of ideas, and I'm raring to go!
I'm also toying with the idea of including a weekly post where I feature the people, posts, articles and funny videos I find during the week. Let me know if you'd like to see that!

I have a new project brewing inside me. It's being born from the desire of being braver this year, wanting to create more memories and a life with not missing out on opportunities. I'm led by fear a lot (I guess we all are), but I also know that doing things that scare you will always make you feel stronger in the end.
I'm in the process of making a list of 36 challenges for 2016 (36 because I'm 36 years old, and also because it neatly fits into 12 months) that I want to complete this year. A bucket list of sorts with a deadline, because I have learnt that deadlines work wonders to get shit done.
The list is not finished yet, but I will obviously share it here as soon as it is!

I have big dreams for yoga this year. Pictures are worth more than a thousand words, so here are my goals for 2016:

This was taken on December 31st. As you can see, I'm still not all the way down. My goal is to finally get my vajayjay down to the ground!

This is one of my longest handstands to date. It's still hit and miss, and I really want to work on getting a consistent, strong handstand this year.

King Pigeon pose

I love this pose, and I struggle with it a lot. You need a flexible and open back, open hips, and open shoulders. You sense the theme here: openness all around! A good metaphor for life, like everything yoga-related.

Here is where I'm at right now:
Lots of work to be done.

Kino MacGregor (source)

This one is nuts, isn't it? It's a huge goal, but I have no idea how long it will take to get that far. This is me a few days ago:
 Wheel can be found here

Yeah, not quite the same lol :)

And here is my crazy, reach-for-the-stars goal:

Dream big!

What are your goals for 2016?


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