Tuesday, 5 January 2016

January goals

Goals, schmols. If you are getting sick of all the goal-setting around you, you are not alone. I'm there right with you, but that doesn't mean I won't keep going - it's the sacrifices we bloggers have to make. 
Because, boy oh boy, it is astonishingly effective to write shit down, put it on the internet and then having to fess up if you totally blew it. I definitely try harder to avoid public shame than private shame (I'm very comfortable with private shame).
Not that there is any shame if you don't accomplish everything you set out to do, we have all been there (most of us as repeat offenders). 

Anyway, let's get this show on the road and take a look back at December, shall we?

Write in my gratitude journal daily. 
Well, I would consider this goal 50% accomplished. I wrote in it on 15 days out of 31, because I had a wee bit of a depression episode halfway through the month. I realize that continuing to write down the good stuff in my life would have been helpful, but it hasn't quite become a habit yet, so I simply forgot for a few days at a time here and there.
But I'm back at it, and I love it! It really sets a positive tone for the day if I take a few minutes in the morning to reflect on everything that's great in life. I will keep going until it has become a habit!

Scrapbook October and November. 
Done! I will share some pages soon.

Enjoy the season. 
For a self-proclaimed scrooge, I give myself a gold star. I'm not a huge Christmas fan (I know, I know), and I always get sick of it at some point in the season. This time, it wasn't until Dec 19th that it happened, so I almost made it to Christmas! I declare this goal a resounding success. Plus, Christmas itself was really nice, so I have nothing to complain about.

Submit book. 
Ernest Hemingway said:
"The hard part about writing a novel is finishing it."
Amen to that.

The long and short of it is: I did! I finished my book, and published it. I feel like I have talked about it a lot on here, so I won't do it again.
If you want to read it, there are three different versions available: eBookreal book, or the PDF version

Let's move on to my

January goals:

Get used to new schedule.
Remember when I hinted at some possible changes at work last month? I was talking about how I had to adjust from being a morning person to becoming a night person, due to my schedule. For three years I worked primarily evenings, staying at work till 11pm or midnight most days. 
As of yesterday, this is no more. 
The change has happened, with the timing being uncanny: very "new year, new you", don't you think?
No more working evenings. It's all days, all the time, which I might need some time getting used to again. 
The good news is, I get to stay at the hospital I love!
The "whoa, did I really agree to that?" news is that I will work every single weekend from now on. I weighed the pros and cons, and I (and Rich) feel comfortable with the decision I have made. 
But still, change ain't easy, unless someone else has to make it. 

Figure out my "36-project" for this year.
I mentioned in my goals for 2016 post that I want to set myself 36 challenges this year to work towards my goal of being braver. Well, this was easier said than done, because as it turns out, 36 is quite the big number. I will dedicate this month to find the remaining 26 challenges (yup, I'm only at 10 so far), and hopefully be able to share them all next month!

This is one of my 36, and I figure I better get started on it! 

That's it for January. I signed up for the next CT course, so there's homework again in my life as well. More than enough for one farm girl.

I'm linking up again with the lovely ladies MariahEstherLindsay and Shannon to #clearthelist. 

Clear The List

What are your goals this month? Share and link up to #clearthelist!


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