Friday, 13 December 2013

200th post and a teeny, tiny giveaway I have agonized over for far too long

Friends, we have arrived at a new chapter. My first ever giveaway! You may remember that it was one of my 19 goals in 19 days from one month ago. Yes, one month. I have been thinking about it since, weighing the pros and cons, absolutely over-analyzing it as is my nature.
Some of my thoughts: what to give, what if nobody will enter (the old "what-if-nobody-comes-to-my-party-fear"), how to actually do it (thank you rafflecopter for being easy!) - my fellow over-thinkers out there, you know what I mean, right?

But then several things came together: This is my 200th post (yay!), it is 12 days till Christmas, and I'm feeling festive. And everybody loves snail mail, correct? So in the spirit of giving, here is a little thank-you to you, my lovely readers!
I can't quite put into words what this place means to me. It is a home in space if you will, a home I can take with me wherever I go.
And all of you readers are what makes it so wonderful. THANK YOU!

In a week from now I will send off this little ornament to one of you, it should make it to your house just in time for Christmas!
Just enter below. Good luck!

Love, Miriam

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I got my ornament today- I love it! My daughter was excited to get a Christmas card "all the way from Canada" LOL She hung it up right away with the others on our window :) Thanks again!


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