Monday, 16 December 2013

Scenes of the weekend

The weekend was a good one. A great one in fact!
However, this morning was just yucky. Can you give me a P? M? S?
Whoever invented it really hates women.
So I was grouchy, yet still filled with the last remnants of the weekend after-glow. Which makes it difficult to find the right tone. Should I ignore my grouchiness? I tried to, but I could not string two words together. I started and restarted this post about 5 times, and then I gave up and went outside to clean out the horses's stalls and paddocks. Nothing clears the cobwebs like some fresh air tinged with horse manure!

Now I'm back (freshly showered I may add, in case you were wondering), and I've found my voice again. And a pint of lemon gelato, which makes the day suddenly look much friendlier.

Here's a few scenes from Saturday and Sunday:

On Saturday we had our work Christmas party. Three things made the party great:
1. A photo booth, manned by the talented Amy
2. Good food, wine, and company
3. My first ever sock bun! That head you see is mine!! It was a precarious affair, held together with a ton of hairspray and bobby pins by the skin of its teeth, but definitely a bun. Strange new sensation having that thing on the back if my head, I bumped a couple of people with it throughout the evening. Sorry!

All in all, a fun party!

Yesterday we both went to church. It is a little known fact around here (probably because I never talk about it), but I used to play the organ at church. And not that long ago either, the last time was just a few months ago. 
I don't quite understand myself why I have a hard time telling people about it. It may have something to do that it makes me feel like a fraud. Somewhere along the line I have lost my passion for making music. It's like a light went out. I don't know why; it's just the way it is. Naturally, I don't call myself a musician. 
How can you make music when you don't feel like a musician?
You can't. 

After about a year of agonizing and some half-assed performances, I decided I can fake it no longer. I have given it up (for now). 
Work and life have pushed it too far back, and playing at a service deserves more dedication than that.   
Our pastor graciously did a little farewell speech yesterday, thanking me for my service. 
I was really touched; they have always been good to me, and I have fond memories of the past 8 years. 
They gave me a gorgeous bunch of flowers, a gift (that I won't open until Christmas), and then we went for lunch together. 
A very special day that I will treasure forever. 

How was your weekend? Parties seemed to abound, have you been to a Christmas party? 

xoxo Miriam

**Do you have some room left on your Christmas tree? If you do, enter my giveaway! It is open until Friday.**



  1. Your party dress is so pretty! Sock buns are fun. I am still trying to master them. My daughter makes them look so easy. I don't seem to have to coordination to get it perfect.

    1. Mine was far from perfect, I'm not talented at all when it comes to hair. Luckily messy hair is a thing right now - it is, isn't it?!

  2. I love your party dress! Very pretty.

  3. Love your dress! I always wanted to try a sock bun.

    1. Do it! It's surprisingly easy. I bought one of those doughnut hair thingies, works like a charm.

  4. I love your party dress - that color looks great on you! It looks/sounds like it was a lovely weekend (something that usually makes Monday even harder) :)

  5. I think it was very brave of you to realize you were not feeling the organ playing and step down, often people let guilt over ride them and keep going at it even when they would be happier moving on.

    1. Thanks Bailie!
      I would be lying if I said that decision came easy. It was pretty scary, but now I'm relieved!


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