Friday 23 August 2013

Weekly highlights: Beerfest!

Let me introduce you to a new weekly feature: Weekly highlights!
I shamelessly stole this idea from the adorable Allison over at The Curious Cupcake who shares her weekly tidbits in form of sharing a picture a day. I LOVE it.
You have to check her out! She's a professional photographer and I'm a huge fan of her photography. It's stunning! Her blog layout is one of the prettiest I know and she's a super-cool chick. Definitely one of my bloggy crushes!

Allison, I hope you believe in the sentiment that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, because I am imitating you. Shamelessly. (Well, there is some shame.)

I may have mentioned it before, but I have a terrible memory. That's one of the reasons why I started this blog to begin with. So I know what I'm up to everyday. Otherwise, whenever people ask me what's new, I never have an answer because I can't think of anything.
Plus I really like taking stock, analyzing things, making lists.

This little weekly summary is perfect! I will know what happened that week, be grateful for the little things that make every day special, and satisfy my addiction to list-making.

So here are the highlights of the last 7 days:

Friday, August 16th
First day of Schützenfest. Lea and I coordinated our outfits and were, according to her, "the hottest bitches in that tent". Gotta love teenage cockiness! I was mistaken as Richard's daughter which is always fun, and complimented twice on my excellent German (by the end of the trip, that number had gone up to 5). Folks there kept thinking I'm Canadian, which to me is the biggest compliment of them all.

Saturday, August 17
There was beer. A lot of it. That's really all I can say about that day.
Oh wait, that's not true: Lea and I went for a bike ride, got our nails done, did a bit of shopping (I spent a grand total of €5.99, such a good girl), watched the first one of many parades, danced.

Sunday, August 18
Read this book in one day. It's so addictive! And amazing!! If you liked the Hunger Games, you'll like this one for sure.

Monday, August 19
That was the day we wore our traditional outfits, the "dirndl". It was lady's day, meaning we had brunch at the "king's" house, were the main attraction of the parade, got free drinks and did some more dancing and French fry-eating. There was a lot of French fry-eating on this trip.

Tuesday, August 20
Last day of the Schützenfest and last day of our vacation. We had coffee with a few more relatives, and then went to the tent for a last hurrah. Nothing crazy though since we had to leave at 7am the next morning.

Wednesday, August 21
Travel day. I didn't take any pictures since we spent all day either in a car, at the airport or in the plane. But I watched the Cirque du Soleil movie on the plane and it was magical.

Thursday, August 22
Home sweet home! Back to my 4-legged babies, the warm soft air, my own bed and favourite inanimate object, my laptop. Oh how I missed thee!
Did a mountain of laundry, caught up on Dexter and Ray Donovan, and went for a walk with my darling Snowy who promptly defended me against a pretty big dog who had gotten loose. I missed this life.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Love, Miriam (slightly jetlagged, coughing and sneezing, but happy Canadian who speaks "such good German")

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