Friday, 30 August 2013

Weekly highlights: a little bit of everything

Our first full week home since Germany. Despite that persistent cough I can't shake, it was a good week. It had special little moments every day!

Here's last week's highlights:

Friday, August 23rd
We currently have a special houseguest! Meet Jeremiah Leroy, Stef's black bear hamster. We had our differences in the past (he hissed at me and we had a Mexican standoff* one time), but now we are the best of friends. He's so cute!

* The Mexican standoff incident: When Leroy was just a baby, before he went to Stef's house, he spent a couple days at our place. On the second day he escaped his cage and hid under the bookshelf. Because of his hissing and our uneasy relationship (i.e. me being scared of a creature the size of a goldfish) I didn't wanna retrieve him with my bare hands; I went to get a net. Obviously, by the time I got back he was gone.
In the hopes of catching him I trailed around the house, net firmly in hand;  and looky here, when I came up the stairs, here he was, on a step above me!
For a moment (which felt like hours!) he stared at me, I stared at him - and then I caught him with the net.
Leroy-1, Miriam-1. We are even little buddy.

Saturday, August 24th
I'm back to my walk and shoots, and I love it. This season is the most perfect for it: The weather is not too hot any more for Snowy's fluffy big fur, and nature changes every day. Photo opportunities abound!

Sunday, August 25th
Sunday was for relaxing: We spent some time under the willow tree, played with the dogs, and watched Dexter and Ray Donovan (so so good, both of them!). Plus we had two of the four kids over for a visit! A really nice Sunday.

Monday, August 26th
Sour candy at work! And look how pretty it is wrapped up, almost too good to eat. (Ha! Who am I kidding? I wolfed down that bad boy in 5 minutes flat.)

Tuesday, August 27th
O-M-G!!! This was definitely the highlight of the week. Or the year! My German mother-in-law (who, for reasons only known to herself, calls me "Mirija" instead of Miriam) made me a compliment! She told Rich that I wear very nice clothes!! For a German, that's H-U-G-E. This may very well be the first and last compliment ever, so I shall cherish it forever.

Wednesday, August 28th
I was at home, doing housewifey things like laundry, ironing, and cooking dinner for my man. Simple pleasures.

Thursday, August 29th
I got my A Beautiful Mess book in the mail! It is amazing. Especially their ideas to show off photos - on coasters, gift wrap, magnets, pillows, suitcases... their creativity knows no bounds! I would love to hang with these girls for a day. Serious fangirl over here!

And that's it!

Hope your weekend will be spectacular.

Love, Miriam



  1. Hi Miriam hope you are well! Beautiful photos as always! That books looks interesting. Think I will search it out!

    Love and hugs

    Vee x

    1. Buy it Vee! It's really great.
      Life is pretty good here, hope you're doing well too!

      Thanks for the visit and sweet comment!!

  2. Haha, sounds like a good week! And that hamster is pretty adorable! I like A Beautiful Mess but I don't think I have the time or patience to do so much DIY!

    I am stopping over from BBN!


    1. Neither do I Celeste! I'm not a DIY-er at all. But I love their photography and seeing what they will come up with next - these girls seem unstoppable right now.

      I'm gonna come over now for a visit!


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