Wednesday 11 June 2014

Life lately, vintaged

How is everyone doing today? I have been in a bit of a funk lately, and feel another down and heavy post coming on soon. (Maybe a soon as tomorrow?) But today I will keep it light and fluffy here and simply share a few pictures of life lately. I edited them all with the 'Vintage'-filter from BeFunky, which I am currently obsessed with. 
Ditto with that song below from Gary Jules - it's been on repeat the last two days, with me singing along on top of my lungs.

Today is my Friday, meaning I'm off for two days after tonight. Honestly, it can't come soon enough.  

Happy humpday lovers!
xo Miriam

P.S. Thank you all so very much for your kind comments on yesterday's manifesto! I've said it before and I'll say it again - you guys are rockstars and I love you!!!

Linking up with Nicole

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  1. I'm obsessed with that pic of you in the black dress!!!!

    And feel better soon my love!! I adore you to pieces <3

  2. Chicken and corgi?? I can't even handle how sweet your animals are.

  3. Such great pictures. I love Lilly and the chicken picture!

  4. Loving the vintage shots!! I hope the funk has passed. Fingers crossed....



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