Thursday, 12 June 2014

Style: I whip my hair back and forth

I apologize in advance for the flood of head shots today. But guys, I had a really good hair day! And we all know they are few and far between, like unicorns. If you would see a unicorn, you would photograph the sh*t out of it, right? Right. 
Oh, hair. I have an uneasy relationship with mine (see here and here). It's willful, with a mind of its own, like a teenager. I want it to do one thing, but don't you know it, it will turn around and do the opposite!

But I also have a secret weapon. Ha, take that hair! My daughter Stef is the hair whisperer, and she can make it behave! She's a genius. A couple of days ago she came by to whip my bangs into shape, and did something magical to the rebellious strands on my head (i.e. she straightened it).
I don't know how she does it, but it looks shiny! And swishy! So totally unlike my hair usually looks (exhibit A). Naturally, I raced outside with my camera to document this rare event. 

Dress: Forever 21; shoes: Coach, thrifted (similar); glasses: Joseph Marc from Clearly Contacts

I wish you all great hair days!

xoxo Miriam

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  1. OMG these are such fun and cute pictures!! You look so happy (like you are having fun), it makes me smile. My favorite is with Bear (maybe Bear?) do you have two great pyrenees? The hair and the glasses is just too cute!

  2. I love it! This is the happiest post I have seen in a long time. I was going to compliment you on the stripes but the happy attitude is the clear winner!!! :)
    x Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  3. Strike a pose and get on with your bad self! I love the hair and that is a super cute dress!

  4. You're so cute! This is hilarious, love it. And the dress is very nice as well as the hair! P x

  5. I LOVE THE BANGS!!!! You are tooo gorgeous. Tooooo gorgeous, my friend. And yes - gotta photograph those unicorns and/or good hair days. :)


  6. how cute are these photos?! love your hair, i wish i could pull off bangs! :)

  7. there is nothing quite like the confidence a great hair day brings. yaaay! your'e rocking that dress, too!

  8. These pictures are so adorable, and I love your dress!

  9. You are adorable!! And these photos are awesome and hysterical. You totally have to take advantage of a good hair day! I also happen to be a fan of stripes and glasses, so it's an all around win. Thanks so much for linking up.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  10. Hahaha, fun poses and what a great dress. I bought one just like it in Red+White Stripes. Your hair looks great too. I am stopping by from the Spring Must Haves link up. Thanks so much for linking up with Amy and I.

    Welcome by my blog sometime. Thanks, Ada. =)


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